
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. D. Austin



Cllr. Miss P. Bolton

Cllr. A. Harris

Cllr. T. Hancock


Cllr. A. Barnaby

Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse

Cllr. T. Grose


Cllr. Mrs. J. Stickland






Vacancies for Parish Councillors and advertising to co-opt: - Clerk reported the Parish Council currently had two vacancies.  It was resolved to advertise to co-opt on the noticeboard and Facebook, noting that the current numbers comprise of 8 Councillors from Lanivet and 2 from Nanstallon (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk.






Updated Code of Conduct to be adopted by the Parish Council, following recommendations from Cornwall Council Committee on Standards in Public Life Ð to be held until further information is received from CALC:- Clerk reported information had been received from CALC advising they have raised a number of questions about the changes and more particularly where the code no longer reflects the differences between unitary and local Council Members. As soon as they receive a response, they will pass on the advice but until then they suggested waiting before moving to adopt the new code. In particular the key issues relate to the training requirement, declarations of gifs and hospitality, authority for actions as individual members and some numbering issues.  CALC confirms that it is acceptable to continue with our existing code in the interim. Clerk reported she would include on the next agenda for approval.



Apologies:- Councillors C. Vercoe, S. Jenning



Public Forum:-  None.



Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman:- Councillor D. Batten was nominated for Chairman. (Proposed: Councillor T, Hancock; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby).  He duly accepted and signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office and thanked the Parish Council.


Councillor D. Austin was nominated for Vice-Chairman. (Proposed: Councillor T. Hancock; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton)


Chairman thanked Councillor D. Austin for his help over the last 12 months.


Action: Clerk to inform Cornwall Council.









Election of Working Parties and Chairperson:-


Governance & Finance:- Councillors D. Austin, D. Batten, Mrs. J. Stickland, A. Barnaby with Councillor D. Austin nominated as Chairman. 1 Vacancy - it was agreed to leave the vacancy until new Councillors join the Parish Council.

Burial:- Councillors D. Batten, T. Hancock, A. Barnaby, T. Grose.


Services (Footpaths/Village Green/Public Conveniences):- Councillors D. Batten, T. Hancock, A. Barnaby, T. Grose


(Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland)



Election of Representatives:-


Area Network and Rural Parishes:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton, D. Batten, S. Jenning as Parish representatives.  


Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust:-  Councillor A. Harris nominated as the Parish representative. 1 Vacancy - it was agreed to leave the vacancy until new Councillors join the Parish Council.


Camel Trail:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton Ð 1 Vacancy - it was agreed to leave the vacancy until new Councillors join


(Proposed: Councillor T Hancock; Seconded: Councillor D. Austin)



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:-  Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet School Academy Governor.  

Councillors D. Batten and A. Harris declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust.

Councillor D. Austin declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Trustee of Lanivet Academy.  

Councillor A. Harris declared a pecuniary interest in planning application PA21/01160 for Mr. Will Harris, C.J. Harris and Sons.



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 15th April 2021:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 15th April 2021 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor D. Austin)




Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 15th April 2021:-


Page 1 Min.215/20 and Page 7 Min.15/21 Grave spaces with inappropriate surroundings:- Clerk reported nothing further had been heard.  She reported she will be meeting with Steve Walker in due course to go through plans with him shortly and will investigate at that time Action: Keep Pending.


Page 3 Min.19/21 Bank Signatories:-  Clerk reported since the new Parish Council is in place, she could either wait until the two vacancies have been filled or add existing Councillors now and make any necessary arrangements further down the line. It was agreed to complete forms and return with all current Councillors and remove old Councillors Action: Clerk.


Page 2 Min.53/21(9) Woods in your Parish:-  Clerk reported an email had been sent to the Woodlands Trust asking for advice and no response had been received, merely a read receipt.  Chairman reported he would arrange to visit and walk around the area with the Vice-Chairman and report back Action: Chairman/Vice-Chairman.


Previous Minutes Ð Trees next to Church at Woodland Glade:-  Two requests had been received from residents to have trees cut down or topped.  Councillor A. Barnaby reported on a tree that needs removal due to squirrel damage and Jason Bellenger agreed with this.  He also spoke about the next tree along we would need to submit planning application.  Clerk to establish whether we need surveyors report to take down trees, noting the Parish Council had a survey and since that damage has arisen, to query with Cornwall Council to ask if they need another survey and whether we need to submit a further planning application.  The tree to come down is number 42 and number 43 needs to be crowned.  It was noted both of these are sycamore trees and Clerk to query why these would have TPOÕs on (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock) Action: Clerk. 


Councillor A. Barnaby report on the nuisance neighbour at Lamorick.  It was noted the person has moved out temporarily whilst repairs are being made. Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse confirmed she would be happy to continue to follow this matter up as necessary Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse. 


Trees on Triangle Ð Chairman summarised the Parish Council had paid for survey for all trees including the ones on triangle which we found out were Cornwall CouncilÕs responsibility.  Clerk to check who she forwarded original correspondence to, she believed it was Rachel Tatlow of Cormac who had forwarded on for further investigation so she can follow up.  It was noted there is now an issue with tree number 41, and this needs further investigation urgently Action: Clerk to follow up, copying in the Chairman and Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse. Action: Clerk to send a copy of our Tree Survey Report to Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to allow her to assist in following up the above issue.












Chair/Vice- Chairman













Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse





Clerk/ Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse


Monthly Report from Cornwall Councillor Mrs. Jenny Cruse:-

1.    Anything that comes up at the Parish Council Meetings she would be happy to liaise with County Hall about.  It has now been stream-lined and hopefully this new system works.

2.    There are some roadworkÕs coming up and she would liaise with Rachel Tatlow and inform the Parish Council.

3.    There is an embargo on all building on the Camel Estuary area, because of pollution in the river which will affect further planning permissions.  Information would be circulated.

4.    There is going to be a working party on infrastructure in Bodmin.  Cornwall SIC will be looking at situation with infrastructure; she cannot see how they can build that many properties with existing facilities.  It appears quite a few people are now aware of the problems at County Hall.

5.    Chairman reported there had been funding agreed through the Network for works at Lamorick which had been signed and sealed but he has seen no-one working on this. Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse will check the list once received from Rachel Tatlow of Cormac. Chairman suggested liaising with Sarah Simms on this matter Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to follow up to check still in place.

6.    Councillor A. Harris raised the Recycling Centre.  Chairman reported on the suggested one-way system and during the pandemic it was introduced which by and large has worked well.  The only downside is the narrowing of the road on the South side of the Recycling Centre. 

It was suggested we looked inside the hedge to see if it could be developed as a new entrance into the Recycling Centre.  A site meeting was in the process of being arranged with the Head of Highways, Rachel Tatlow, Cormac and Parish Councillors and he asked if she could follow up on this and arrange Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to follow up to see if this could be arranged.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor Mrs. Jenny Cruse for her monthly report.











Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse






Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse



Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish (Including Update on Bench Area damage near Six Turnings):-


Highway Issues:-  Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported there were issues with the drains just past Tremayle Bungalow at Nanstallon, the two on the right-hand side were blocked Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to report.


Councillor Miss P. Bolton queried the road closures towards the end of May proposed at Nanstallon.  The owner of Tremayle Farm expressed concerns as they should have been made aware of this, he believes by Cornwall Council who should have notified them as a business on the side of this road to be closed, he is slightly worried they will be on harvest and may not be able to use the road Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to follow up with Cornwall Council to ask if they notify adjoining properties, especially if they are a business, such as this.


Councillor T. Grose reported on a white van that appears to be parked at the top as you are coming into Lanivet. Councillor T. Hancock advised this is people that are assisting with horse rescue, and it was investigated when first noticed.  It is classed as moveable shelters.


Footpaths:-  None.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  None.


Update on Bench Area damage near Six Turnings:- Chairman reported a site visit will be held in due course with Councillors A. Barnaby and T. Hancock if required as we are now aware it is cars causing damage.  Councillor A. Barnaby suggested perhaps soil to build up or a boulder to stop cars driving over the land.



Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse




Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse



Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  


Planning Applications:-


Councillor A. Harris declared a pecuniary interest in respect of the following planning application and duly left the meeting room:-


PA21/01160 Ð Mr. Will Harris, C.J. Harris and Sons Ð Construction of a new general purpose farm building for the additional storage for fodder and to provide additional livestock housing to comply with recommended housing densities, Lower Woodley Farm, Road from Crosslane to Old Coach Road, Lanivet Ð Parish Council to go with Cornwall Councils Officers recommendations on this application (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland)

Councillor A. Harris returned to the meeting room.


PA21/04141 Ð Mr. Michael Dyer Ð Prior Notification for construction of agricultural building for storage purposes, Trekillick Barn, Trekillick Farm, Lanivet Ð Next Agenda, pending paperwork, if available


Planning Results:-


PA21/02962 Ð Mr. Dennis Hopkins Ð Change of use of holiday restricted dwelling to allow full time residential use, Tregarthen, Stable Cottage, Nanstallon - Approved















Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for May 2021 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor T. Hancock; Seconded: Councillor D. Austin): - 

Cornwall Association LC


Annual Membership

British Gas Ð Electric for Toilets


10/3/21 Ð 7/4/21

Duchy CemeteryÕs Limited



DMC IT Ð Website Maintenance


April 2021

AJH Services Ð Toilet Cleaning


May 2021

The Lawn Ranger Ð Grasscutting


April 2021

Duchy CemeteryÕs Limited



Complete Weed Treatment


Spring 2021

Playsafety Limited


Annual Rospa Report

Lloyds Bank Ð Bank Charges


May 2021

Mrs. J. Burdon


Salary & Expenses

CC Pension Scheme


May 2021

Inland Revenue


May 2021

Receipt:- Bodmin Funeral Services



Receipt:- R. J. Bray & Sons



Receipt:- R. J. Bray & Sons














Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- Chairman reported things are moving on, to the extent that CCLT have now started formally looking for funding for this project.  The hope is still that the planning application is imminent.  He will have more news next month.



Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Clerk reported that Mr. D. Carter confirmed he would send a report for the June Meeting.



Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  No report.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelters (Including discussion on technical information with regards to Play Equipment and possibility of setting a policy in place regarding safety issues):- Clerk passed a copy of the Safety Inspection Report from Rospa to Councillor A. Barnaby.


Councillor T. Hancock and A. Barnaby reported on the swings and had nothing further to report following a site meeting.  However, since this it has been noted another bolt has been removed.


Chairman said he was grateful for Councillors A. Barnaby and T. HancockÕs help for all that has been going on recently and the Village Green is starting to look better.  Councillor A. Barnaby advised he requested a cost for the rubber matting under the swings to be sent to the Clerk. 

The swing seats to be replaced are to be replaced under guarantee at no cost to the Parish Council.


Lanivet Car Park:-  No update.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.


Discussion on technical information with regards to Play Equipment and possibility of setting a policy in place regarding safety issues:- Chairman reported this can be discussed out of the meeting and follow up Action: Clerk.


















Camel Trail Update:- Report received from Councillor Miss P. Bolton and circulated as follows Ð The junctions at Nanstallon and a Boscarne are in the process of having new access designs made up to improve the crossing and make them safer for all users. Highways will also be consulted along with a small number of multi users to ensure anything implemented meets everyoneÕs needs.  Surfacing works between Bodmin and Wendon Bridge will be carried out later in the month.  Work on Grogley Bridge seems to have been postponed. Hopefully we shall have more to report on this at the June meeting. 



Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for memorials, inscriptions):- No applications for memorials or inscriptions received.


Chairman reported Councillors T. Hancock and A. Barnaby have been up and noted of all Japanese Nnotweed in the old Cemetery.  He has spoken to our Weed Treatment Contractor, and he will take a look at this in three weeks and let him know in advance so Councillors can meet with him and discuss whether there is a quicker method of removing.  A meeting is also required with Grasscutting Contractor in respect of cutting the grass in this area.  Parts of the Cemetery have now been staked out.


Councillor A. Barnaby reported on Japanese Knotweed in the Old Cemetery advising we seem to be winning the case with this now.  It was noted we have treatment for this year and next year within the contract agreed


Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to enquire whether Cornwall Council have a system for destroying Japanese Knotweed










Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse


Public Conveniences Update:- Councillor A. Barnaby reported a repair to the disabled door had to be made.  Apparently, there is a light outside but does not work, so if anyone used the pull cord a light does not come on.  Councillor A. Barnaby to put a bulb in to replace, if necessary, Action: Chairman and Councillor A. Barnaby to investigate and report back.


Clerk reported there are some toilet roll holders to be put up in the Gents Toilets Action: Clerk to let our Contractor know.


Chairman/ Cllr. A. Barnaby




Neighbourhood Watch Schemes for Lanivet and Nanstallon:-  Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported nothing has been done since the last meeting.  They were due a meeting a couple of weeks ago.  She would like to liaise with Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse Action: Councillor Miss P. Bolton/Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse. 

Cllr. Miss P. Bolton/Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse


Bodmin Neighbourhood Plans:- Chairman asked whether Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse could help with this and possibly Councillor Miss P. Bolton.  Chris Batters got involved and there was going to be an invite to Bodmin Town Council Meeting. 

He has concerns regarding the boundaries with Lanivet.  Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse advised a questionnaire is currently out, and there is a Steering Committee, and they always want people on this group. They have been holding meetings via Zoom.  She would pass some information to the Chairman.  Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse advised there is quite a lot of concern regarding this, and Bodmin Town Council are well aware of this Action:  Chairman to speak with Jeremy and Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse.





Chairman/ Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse


Tour of Britain Cycle Race:- Chairman reported this is going along in the background.  It will be held on the first Sunday of September.  Hopefully we can put some flags up.  We will need to start organising soon, get public and school involved.



Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk reported there have been a lot of additional updates over the last month or so on the Website and Facebook pages and we continue to receive comments and likes on the Facebook page on regularly.  Chairman reported the Newsletter has just been signed off and is coming out soon.




1.    Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Newsletter Ð 23rd April, 7th May 2021

2.    Cornwall Council Ð Code of Conduct and Register of Interest form

3.    Bodmin Police Station Ð April Newsletter

4.    Cornwall Community Land Trust Ð From Vision to Reality: Financing your Community-led Housing Project Meeting Ð Monday 19th April 6.30pm-8.30pm

5.    Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Ð Ebay Tractor Scam

6.    CALC Ð Cornwall Code of Conduct for Local Councils

7.    CALC Ð Elections and Co-options to fill casual vacancies

8.    Cornwall Council Ð Notices of Poll

9.    CALC Ð Election Staff: remaining vacancies for 6th May 2021

10. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Ð G7 Community Newsletter Ð Keeping OPCC Councillor Advocates informed

11. CALC Ð Administrative Assistant Vacancy

12. CALC Ð Remote Meetings Ð Court Case

13. Cornwall Council Ð Draft Action Notes: Bodmin Community Network Meeting Ð 13th March 2021

14. CALC Ð Toilet Bill receives Royal Assent

15. Armand Toms Ð Consultation with regards to remote meetings Ð call for evidence

16. Cornwall Community Flood Forum Ð Free Virtual Introduction to Property Flood Resilience Workshop: Tuesday 6th July 2021 from 10.00-11.30am

17. Cormac Environment Ð Camel Trail Surfacing Work Ð 22nd May 2021

18. Came & Company Insurance Ð Register for our Webinar

19. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Ð Alison Hernandez elected to second term as Police & Crime Commissioner

20. CALC Ð Code of Conduct 2021 Action: For next Agenda. 

21. CALC Ð Free Lateral Flow Tests Poster for business information

22. Cornwall Council Ð Bodmin Community Network Meeting Ð Wednesday 9th June 2021 from 4.00pm-5.30pm on Microsoft Teams

23. Cornwall Council Ð Register of Interest Form

24. Cornwall Council Ð Code of Conduct Training

25. Great Western Railway Ð Latest position on GWR long distance services

26. Great Western Railway Ð GWR long distance trains withdrawn by Hitachi

27. CALC Ð Guidance on returning to physical meetings

28. Great Western Railway Ð News on the return of Intercity Express Trains

29. Cornwall Rural Community Council Ð Funding for Village Halls and Playing Fields for Sport England






















Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):-  Councillor A. Harris requested an item for the next agenda in respect of fast-food companies and litter being strewn everywhere from passing vehicles.  He wonders if these companies could pay a contribution to Cornwall Council to help pay towards litter collection.  Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse reported there had been a suggestion she heard that number plates should be put on boxes.  Councillors felt this was a brilliant idea Action: Next Agenda.


Councillor T. Hancock reported on the BT Pole in Lanivet that had been discussed at least a couple of years ago and still not removed.  It had wires on it from BT and Western Power.  Western Power had moved their wire on to the new pole, but BT are still to move their wires over, then this pole can be removed.  Councillor T. Hancock would forward on the pole number to the Clerk for her to follow up Action: Councillor T. Hancock/Clerk.








Cllr. T. Hancock/



Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday 17th June 2021 at 7.00pm in the On for All Lanivet Parish Community Centre Main Hall.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.25pm.








Date:        17th June 2021