
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. D. Austin



Cllr. T. Grose

Cllr. C. Vercoe

Cllr. D. Williams


Cllr. A. Barnaby

Cllr. Mrs. J. Stickland

Cllr. Miss P. Bolton


1 Member of Public







Public Forum:- Mr. Dan Nattle attended in respect of his planning application to be discussed tonight and briefed the Parish Council. He left the meeting at 7.05pm.



Apologies:- Councillors S. Jennings, T. Hancock, A. Harris, Mrs. H. Akehurst, Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse.



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:-  Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust.


Councillors D. Williams and Mrs. J. Stickland declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Charities.


Councillor D. Austin declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Trustee of Lanivet Academy.


Councillor D. Williams declared a non-registerable interest in respect of PA22/07494 Ð Lanivet Parochial Church Council



Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Thursday 8th September 2022:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on the 8th September 2022 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland)




Matters Arising from the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Thursday 8th September 2022:-


Page 1 Min.91/22 Annual Insurance Premium:- Clerk to research in the New Year Action: Clerk to research over the next few months.


Page 4 Min.208/22 Slippery Noticeboard Area:- Contractor confirmed he had cleaned the area last month on the 21st September and as Councillor T. Hancock had recently bleached he would commence jet washing from October 2022.


Page 5 Min.209/22 Sign for Cemetery:- Clerk and Chairman to arrange Action: Clerk/Chairman.


Page 5 Min.210/22 Signs for Public Conveniences:-  Clerk reported she had passed to Councillor A. Barnaby this evening for laminating Action: Councillor A. Barnaby.







Clerk/ Chairman


Cllr. A. Barnaby


Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:-  Apologies received from Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse and emailed report received as follows:-

á         I am on Annual Leave during October so unable to attend Parish Council Meetings. Here are a few notes that may be of interest.

á         The 20 is plenty role out will begin next year. Expressions of Interest will be requested and forwarded for consideration. I understand the A389 is not precluded from this process.

á         I have made comment on the licensing application for the A389 and was pleased that the Licensing Officer agreed to extend the decision time to receive Lanivet Parish Council comments.

á         Meeting on 1st November at 7.00pm at One for All Lanivet to discuss a concept of cycle routes into and around Bodmin and 20 is plenty allocation to improve footpath safety.

á         I understand some funds have been returned to the CIL pot and a next application date is spring next year. I recommend Lanivet School reapply in that round.

á         The Fire Service Rapid Response changes will be discussed on October 6th at the Neighbourhoods Overview Scrutiny Committee. This can be viewed by public via the Council Website.

á         In the NHS emergency there is a new leadership team across the Care and Wellbeing portfolio, the Strategic Director for Care and Wellbeing being part of the newly established Integrated Care Board. Additional funding secured by the system to support and address the systemic issues in Cornwall. Work being undertaken regarding how we attract and retain talent working in both the Care and Wellbeing Portfolio and the broader Integrated Care System.

á         I highly recommend the Winter Wellbeing guide you can order copies from this pamphlet is full of excellent information and all the necessary contacts for residents. We are receiving into Cornwall Council further government assistance to deal with the cost-of-living crisis.




Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish (Including Waste Bins for Lanivet and Nanstallon):- Chairman thanked Councillor D. Williams for repairing the sign at Six Turnings.


Highway Issues:- Email from Cornwall Council Ð Nanstallon Crossroads and Lanivet Gateway Safety Improvements Consultation. Brief overview Ð the existing crossroad warning sign on approach from Bodmin to Nanstallon Crossroads is currently sited too far away and will be moved closer to improve driversÕ awareness. The changes at the North-eastern Lanivet gateway are to make the island more visible on approach: Deflection arrow road markings to highlight the upcoming feature, two high level ÔKeep LeftÕ arrow signs on the central island (Facing both approaches) and amended road studs within the hatched area of the island. At the same time, the central island will have the steel post for the signage replaced with a passively safe aluminium post.


Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported she had been advised at Blossom Hill, Nanstallon they have cut into the hedge to park cars, but it is actually on the highway Action: Clerk to forward to Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to follow up with Rachael Tatlow of Cormac





Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported on the layby outside Boscarne Junction Ð Cornwall Highways have been out and cleared the hazardous rocks but there is a large bin and branches still causing problems Action: Clerk to forward to Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to follow up with Rachael Tatlow of Cormac, copying in Councillor Miss P. Bolton.


Councillor T. Grose reported on issues by the school and cars having problems reversing and traffic jams occurring, vehicles are parking at the top and bottom outside the school and near the Church Hall, where essentially people should be waiting as it is a passing place, to follow up whether Cornwall Highways help alleviate the problems Action: Clerk to forward to Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to follow up with Rachael Tatlow of Cormac.


Footpaths:- None.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  None.


Waste Bins for Lanivet and Nanstallon:- No update received Action: Keep Pending.












Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse






Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse



Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse








Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  


Planning Applications:-


Councillor D. Williams declared a non-registerable interest in respect of the following planning application, which had been dealt with under delegated matters during the period of mourning for the late Queen:-

PA22/07494 Ð Mr. Paul Holley, Lanivet Parochial Church Council Ð Application for tree works within a TPO area; Reduce height of Irish Yew, Lanivet Parish Church, 1 Rectory Road, Lanivet - Parish Council to go with Cornwall Councils Tree OfficerÕs recommendations on this application (Proposed: Councillor S. Jennings; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock)


PA22/07561 Ð Mr. D. Nattle, T.J. Nattle & Partners Ð Provision of an earth lined slurry lagoon to support an existing dairy enterprise, Land North of Lower Rosewarrick Farm, Lanivet Ð Support (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor D. Williams)


Street Trading Grant Application Ð Mrs. Megan Davies trading as No. 1 Street Kitchen, layby A389 Truro Road, Lanivet - Parish Council to go with Cornwall Councils Planning Officers recommendations on this application (Proposed: Councillor D. Austin; Seconded: Councillor C. Vercoe)


For Information Only - PA22/01604/PREAPP Ð Mr. Christopher Hardy Ð Pe-application advise for a single dwelling, Land North of Clann Lane, Lanivet


Planning Results:-


PA22/06985 Ð Steven Waddell & Charlotte Hopkins Ð Change of use of holiday restricted dwelling to allow full time residential use, Skippers Cottage, Tregarthen, Nanstallon Ð Approved


PA22/07382 Ð Willcocks Ð Prior Approval for Change of Use of steel framed timber clad agricultural building to Use Class B8 (storage or distribution) with slight changes to external appearance, South Tregleath Farm, Nanstallon Ð Prior Approval not required (AF/TEL/DEM)


PA22/01501/PREAPP Ð Mr. Martin Lewis Ð Pre-application advice to convert existing large double garage into a small dormer style dwelling house, Dun-Romin, Nanstallon Ð Closed Ð Advice Given


Planning Correspondence:-

(a) Cornwall Council Ð PA20/09223 Ð Mrs. T. Orchard Ð Change of use of land to a private Gypsy site, Land North of Higher Rosewarrick, Lanivet Ð Appeal to be held on the 3rd November 2022;

(b) Consultee comments for PA22/05239 additional information.























Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for October 2022 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor D. Austin; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland)

Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Paul Bazeley Ð Bus Shelters


September 2022

The Lawn Ranger Ð Grasscutting


September 2022

British Gas



Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Booker Limited


Toilet Consumables

Essential Maintenance


Disabled Toilet Alarm

DMC-IT Ð Website Updating


September 2022

Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Lloyds Bank Ð Service Charges


October 2022

Mrs. J. Burdon Salary & Expenses


October 2022

CC Pension Scheme


October 2022

Inland Revenue Ð Income Tax


October 2022

Mr. A.J. Barnaby


Toilet Consumables

Max Simpson


Footpath Maintenance

PKF Littlejohn LLP


Annual Audit 31/3/22

Receipt: Mrs. Mary Gelston


Grave Reservation

Receipt: Cornwall Council


CIL Payment

Debit Card application:- Clerk reported we were still waiting for the debit cards to arrive; the forms has been re-sent for a third time Action: Clerk.

Poppy Wreaths x 2:- Clerk to order 2 wreaths and have delivered to Lanivet Church Action: Clerk.

Chairman reported on the CIL payment due to come in over the next few days in the sum of £570.00.























External Auditor Report for 2021/2022:- Clerk and Chairman reported the Audit of the Annual Accounts for the year had been received back from the External Auditors advising on the basis of their review of Sections 1 and 2 of the Annual Governance and Accountability Return. The AGAR was not accurately completed before submission for review. Please ensure that amendments are corrected in the prior year comparatives when completing next yearÕs AGAR:


The smaller authority has not addressed the Ôexcept forÕ matter raised by the external auditor when qualifying the prior year AGAR. Section 2, Box 4 for the prior year incorrectly includes items which are not staff costs as defined in the Joint Panel on Accountability and Governance PractitionersÕ Guide. Please note that Box 4 should comprise payments made in relation to the employment of staff including only gross salary, employersÕ national insurance contributions, employersÕ pension contributions, gratuities for employees or former employees and severance or terminations payments to employees. Employment expenses which are benefits (mileage, travel, etc.) and items of reimbursement of expenses for postage, stationery or other outlays made on behalf of the smaller authority are not staff costs for the purpose of completion of the AGAR in accordance with proper practice Action: Clerk and Chairman to address on next yearÕs AGAR.

Notice of Conclusion and other notices as relevant to be put up on the Website and Noticeboard as required Action: Clerk.













Clerk/ Chairman



Budget Monitoring Report:- Resolved to accept the budget monitoring report as circulated (Proposed: Councillor D. Austin; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelters (Including Survey on Signage for Parking of Vehicles in the Car Park):- Email from Outdoor Play People advising project is on schedule, current lead time is 10-12 weeks, this can change if any hold ups out of their control, however, they hope to meet deadlines. They will keep the Parish Council updated on the project throughout.


Survey on Signage for Parking of Vehicles in the Car Park:- Chairman reported on his telephone conversation with a London Parking company.  They are able to put together options for the Parish Council in order to control the use of the car park using number plate recognition . This has been as a response to a number complaints to Councillors from parishioners who are finding it increasingly difficult to park because of a number of large vehicles permanently parked. The Parish Council will contact the Cornwall Council Legal Team to ascertain its legal position and also to seek adverse possession of the Village Green and Car Park Action: Clerk.


Grasscutting:- Councillor D. Williams expressed concerned in respect of some of the grass cutting in the Lanivet Cemetery recently as one grave had been left uncut, so he cut it back himself after following up. Chairman reported the grasscutting contract will be up for renewal the year after next Action: Clerk to send grasscutting contract to Councillors.

















Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any applications for memorials, inscriptions; (b) Purchase of Trees):- No memorial applications received.


Inspection of Burial Grounds, health and safety issues:- Response received advising an infrastructure inspection of the burial ground at Lanivet Cemetery, to include general condition and safety of any walls, gates, steps, pathways, benches and litter bins could be carried out for the sum of £251.12 plus vat.  Resolved to accept (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland) Action: Clerk


Purchase of Trees:- Clerk reported on costs received from The Grower and Tamar Trees. Councillors D. Williams, C. Vercoe, and A. Barnaby to follow up on beech trees and allow a budget of approximately £500.00 for 50 trees Action: Councillors D. Williams. C. Vercoe, A. Barnaby.

Email from Forest for Cornwall advising they have a few 40-60cm cell grown trees going spare. Resolved to leave in abeyance for now and wait until the New Year Action: Keep Pending.













Public Conveniences Update:- Councillor A. Barnaby reported there has been some mess but no too bad, he has notices to put up regarding the flushing.



Lanivet Parish Historic Buildings:- Chairman reported following a discussion with Councillor A. Harris the Parish Council need to be supportive of the Nanstallon Chapel project, also the Lanivet Parish Church. 


Nanstallon Chapel Update:- Email received from Roger Gates, Cornwall Council advising he has received an Intention to Sell notice from the owners and the Nominator, The Old Chapel Project, has been informed. If the Parish Council considers that other community groups may be interested, to contact him.


Lanivet Church:- Chairman passed a notice to the Clerk for the Facebook pages and send information to all Councillors of dates for events in the Lanivet Parish Church Action: Clerk.










Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust:- Report received from Barry Cornelius as follows:-


The Lanivet Hub - The hub became operational on the 5th September, initially manned by volunteers and open mornings only and offering a scaled down menu. Since its opening it has proven to be popular and it is being used by a wide range of people including centre users, friends meeting, and it is noticeable that people from the village and surrounding area that would not normally come out of their houses have used it as a friendly space. The hub has been recognised by both Age Uk Cornwall and Volunteer Cornwall as an ideal site for a ÒWarmth BankÓ during the winter months to provide:

á         Access to a heated environment

á         Access to refreshments /food/drink on site

á         Access to food/ drinks to take away off site

á         Advice on healthy eating, cooking, and budgeting

á         Access to group activities allowing people to socialise and interact with others.

The aim is to now appoint someone to run the hub and work with the volunteers, to open all day and prepare a more extensive menu but also provide all the services of the ÒWarmth BankÓ


Covid-19 Support - The Centre is once again being used as a Covid and Flu vaccination centre by Bosevena Health and is expected to continue every Tuesday and Saturday for the next few months.


Football - The youth football is continuing to grow strongly with our under 9Õs going into a league this year and we are developing Under 7Õs, and Under 12Õs this year with a view to enter a league next season. The football pitch is attracting a lot of interest and we recently hosted an FA Cup match for Bodmin Ladies.


Community Centre Hire - Hire is continually increasing with regular bookings for community-based activities and it appears that meetings of outside bodies is especially in the increase since it was heavily hit during the pandemic.



Transport - The Community Bus is still awaiting repair but once repaired there are quite a number of organisations interested in using it on a regular basis as well as developing a ring and ride service. The Electric vehicle is in constant demand as it appears to be the only vehicle in the area of Bodmin and Wadebridge that can take wheelchairs. We do have a good supply of drivers but always need more.



Review and adopt the following Policies (a) Parish Risk Assessment; (b) Parish Risk Management Policy; (c) Financial Regulations; (d) Asset Register:- It was resolved to adopt the policies as circulated (Proposed: Councillor D. Austin; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Motion Carried Action: Clerk. 


Action: Next Agenda Ð To review and adopt (a) Statement of Internal Control; (b) List of Regular Payments for the year; (c) Model Standing Orders; (d) Code of Conduct; (e) Segregation of Duties Matrix.


Councillor D. Williams declared a non-registerable interest in respect of the following item:-







Lanivet Christmas Tree Festival:- Councillor A. Barnaby asked whether the Parish Council would donate towards a tree for the Lanivet Church. 


Chairman and Clerk explained about a ChairmanÕs Allowance and Section 137. Resolved to make a donation of £150.00 to Lanivet Christmas Tree Festival and to purchase two Christmas Trees, one for Lanivet and one for Nanstallon from Cedar Croft Nursery (Proposed: Councillor D. Austin; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland) Action: Clerk.







Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website (Including of updating front page of Website):- Clerk reported Facebook and the Website continue to be updated monthly. Chairman reported the newsletter is out.


Updating of Front Page:- Clerk had forwarded some links to Councillors D. Williams and A. Harris Action: Councillors D. Williams, A. Harris and Clerk.



Cllrs. D. Williams/ A. Harris



1.    NALC Ð Chief Executives Bulletin

2.    NALC Ð Events

3.    CALC Ð Training Bulletin Update

4.    NALC Ð Newsletter

5.    Cornwall Council Ð Arrangements for the national period of mourning

6.    CALC Ð Star Council Awards 2022

7.    Great Western Railway Ð Strike Updates

8.    Paul Holden Ð Top 15 Cornish Buildings at risk

9.    Cornwall Council Ð Landscape Character Assessment Invitation

10. Volunteer Cornwall Ð Introduction

11. Cornwall Council Pensions Ð September 2022 Employer Newsletter

12. Great Western Railway Ð Stakeholder Conference on Monday 17th October 2022

13. Cornwall Council Ð Potential Devolution Deal for Cornwall

14. Forest for Cornwall Ð Autumn 2022 Newsletter

15. Cornwall Community Flood Forum Ð Conference Friday 4th November 2022

16. John Rickard, Firefighter Ð Cornwall Fire Control could be lost

17. CALC Ð Essentials of being a Good Employer Training

18. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Newsletter Ð 7th October 2022

19. Cornwall Council Ð Community Network Review

20. Lindsey Leisure & Contract Furniture

21. Cornwall Council Ð Re-schedule Camel Trail Partnership Meeting Ð Wednesday 16th November at 10.30am at Padstow Town Council

22. Mr. N. Savage Ð Fallen Tree Ð apology received

23. Eco Green Community Dog and Litter Solutions



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):- None.



Date of Next Meeting and Meetings for 2022:- Thursday 10th November 2022 at 7.00pm to be held in the One for All Lanivet Parish Community Centre.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.34pm.







Date:        10th November 2022