
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. O. Sleeman



Cllr. Miss P. Bolton

Cllr. Mrs. J. Dent

Cllr. A. Barnaby


Cllr. Mrs. C. Eddy

Cllr. S. Walker

Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters





Public Forum:-  None.



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:- Councillor S. Walker declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Village Newsletter.

Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet School Governor.



Apologies:- Councillors C. Vercoe, A. Harris, Mrs. J. Stickland, D. Carter, T. Hancock



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 19th March 2020:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 19th March 2020 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed and ratified by the Chairman at a future meeting (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton)



Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 19th March 2020:-


Page 3 Min.29/20 Community Chest Application:-  Clerk reported the payment had now been received and was included under finance this evening.


Page 5 Min.53/20 Yurt at Nanstallon:- Clerk reported there had been a delay sending the information, this had now been done and we are waiting a response Action: Keep Pending and Cornwall Councillor C. Batters agreed to follow up.


Page 6 Min.54/20 Public Liability Insurance Cover:- Clerk reported she is awaiting a response from Steve Hudson Action: Keep Pending.


Page 6 Min.56/20 S137 Funding to Assist Meals on Wheels:-  Clerk reported CALC had responded advising the Parish Council can fund meals on wheels or an organisation which provides meals on wheels.  However the usual restrictions apply and the amount must be commensurate with the benefit to electors in the parish. To confirm the activity must be for the residents of Lanivet and the amount spent must relate to the number of people in Lanivet who will benefit. The normal grant funding criteria will apply and it is not normally appropriate for the funds to go to an individual so it would be better if the grant was given for a specific purpose and paid to an existing body Action: Chairman to follow up with Barry Cornelius outside of the Meeting.



Page 7 Min.58/20 Car Park and Public Conveniences Queries:-  Response received from parishioner thanking the Parish Council for the feedback.  He advised the thinking behind the Wallgate equipment is first-class and ideal for such areas, however, from his experiences they have proved to be rather temperamental.  He wished the Parish Council Good Luck.






Clerk/Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters












Monthly Report from Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters:- Email report received and circulated from Cornwall Councillor C. Batters as follows:-

á         He been quite busy since the lock-down with mostly Covid-19 questions and updates etc:  and reports of mobile homes and caravans being spotted in his ward.

á         Generally speaking the Easter Weekend in Cornwall was very quiet. 

á         Lanivet Parish through your own Parish Teams (Barry Cornelius did keep him in the loop as to what everyone was doing) and it seemed to be well organised, as were his two other larger Parishes of Cardinham and Blisland. Full marks to the organisers in each case. 

á         He made it clear that if they required anything from him, he was on the end of the phone for them.

á         Although there were reports appearing on Facebook about crowds gathering, a lot of this was false information.

á         Cornwall Council had teams visiting all the summer 'hot-spots' checking on holiday makers, and the Police were very busy as far East as the Devon/Somerset border in turning caravans and mobile homes around. On the Good Friday alone they turned around over 500 caravans/mobile homes and sent them back.

á         Regular viewing was made of all the main roads into Cornwall, M5, A30, A38 and A39, on the Highways England Traffic CCTV coverage, and if you take a look yourself as he did at 8-30am on Good Friday, there was absolutely nothing seen but the odd vehicle. It was working.

á         Further checks were made by all Cornwall Councillors in the own 'Seaside' towns and areas, and photographs taken, and CCTV images again checked, all showing next to nobody being there. 

á         Any house parties or gatherings that were reported to Cornwall Council on their specially set up report line, (over 190 calls in the first couple of hours of opening) were speedily dealt with.

á         He had an occasion himself to report on behalf of residents three suspicious mobile homes, and the Police attended all three with an hour of reporting and all three were removed and sent packing.  Many penalty tickets were also issued during this period of time.   

á         He has also been involved most days in electronic meetings on both Skype and Zoom, and today another new one with Microsoft through Cornwall Council. Proving to be very popular ways of communicating.

á         As you can imagine, Covid-19 has been the most importantly discussed subject.  Hopefully we shall see an improvement in the coming weeks, but until such times, do stay safe.

á         He concluded by advising for every to feel free to contact him at any time of the day in the usual ways, and he would be there to help, as he always.

á         This morning Lanivet, through Barry Cornelius came in for a lot of praise, as he seemed ahead of the ballgame.  It is believed that Bodmin are not doing too well.  Cornwall Council were praising Barry Cornelius and Lanivet on how well he has been doing.


á         Cornwall Council have been the leaders in handing out funding to businesses that need it.  Government sent a letter of thanks to Cornwall Council for acting so quickly.

á         Councillor O. Sleeman asked if he had been approached in respect of Active to Health Care, as people cannot see a Doctor now, unless they do it online.  He wonders if this matter has been raised.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters suggested you could have a video call, which he himself did today.  Councillor O. Sleeman to forward information to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters regarding the issues Action: Councillor O. Sleeman.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for his monthly report.






































Cllr. O. Sleeman


Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish:-


Highway Issues:- Chairman reported he has not spoken to Councillor Mrs. J. Dent in respect of the Network Projects.  There is one that should have started by now but for obvious reasons, it is on hold.


Footpaths:-  No Update.

Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  No Update.







Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic Coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Withiel Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.


PA20/02723 Ð Mr. James Willcocks Ð Prior notification for agricultural building for storage, South Tregleath, Nanstallon Ð Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy reported she had looked at this application this evening and it confirmed online that prior approval was not required.


PA20/02614 Ð Mr. Chrusciak Ð Listed Building Consent for the refurbishment and internal remodelling of Tretoil Farmhouse, replacement of windows and doors and demolition of internal wall to create new bedroom and ensuite, Tretoil Farm, Lanivet Ð Support Planning Officers recommendations (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent)


Planning Results Received:- 


PA19/10448 Ð Mrs. Carol Bale Ð Certificate of Lawfulness for Existing Use for confirmation of implementation of PA14/09006 Ð Conversion of former Post Office back into two separate dwellings, Lanivet Post Office, Truro Road, Lanivet Ð  Granted (CAADs, PIPs and LUs Only)


PA20/01283 Ð Mrs. Wendy Barlett Ð Various works to trees, Land North East of 7 Boscarne View, Marshall Close, Nanstallon Ð  Approved


Planning Correspondence Received:- 


PA20/01582 Ð Proposed Single Storey side extension to the existing Community Centre Ð Site Plan to be put up, Clerk reported this had already been actioned.
















Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations (Including Annual Subscription to CALC):- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts up to 31st March 2020 and up until todayÕs date for April, as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy): - 

British Gas


Electric 7/2/20-6/3/20

Julia Batten Ð StampinÕ Up


Laminating Posters

Mr. A.J. Barnaby


Mulch for Cemetery

The Lawn Ranger


Rolling Village Green

Lanivet Methodist Church


Hire Meeting Room

DMC IT Ð Website Maintenance


March 2020

The Lawn Ranger Ð Grasscutting


April 2020

Lloyds Bank


Bank Service Charge

Cornwall ALC Limited


Membership Renewal

Mrs. J. Burdon


Salary & Expenses

CC Pension Scheme


March 2020

Inland Revenue


March 2020

Came & Company Insurance


Premium Renewal

Receipt: Cornwall Council


Community Grant

Receipt: Cornwall Council


Half Precept

Receipt: Cornwall Council


Half CTS Grant

Chairman to contact Barry Cornelius if there is assistance his organisation requires in terms of a grant for Meals on Wheels Action: Chairman.


















Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- Councillor D. Batten reported via email as follows Ð Community Event Feedback - Generally all positive. They had 47 attend and a good number of these were interested in the homes themselves.


Architecture Ð Designs have been developed to the point where they can be submitted for planning.

Other Planning Items

á         Landscaping Ð Design nearly finalised.

á         Drainage Ð in progress.  Further CCTV survey of sewer being carried out next Tuesday by Lanes.

á         Ecology.  Cornwall Council require an additional report to be carried out in relation to ÔBiodiversity Net GainÕ.  This is in hand.


Future Management

á         As discussed we will provide a more in depth review of different options for taking the site forward.  Having reviewed the feedback forms in more detail, there is a fairly even split between those who want to buy and those who want to rent.

á         CCLT has had an early discussion with one Housing Association who have expressed an interest in managing the scheme.


á         Cornwall Council are still keen to see rentals included so this may be a necessary part of the planning application.  However CCLT are also exploring the possibility of Ôrent to buyÕ schemes where householders start out as tenants but are able to move towards ownership.  Unlike ÔRight to BuyÕ however the properties would stay affordable and could not be sold at market value

Use of Open Land

á         We have received a report which provides some information about using the additional land for a Community Energy Scheme.  CCLT needs to consider this in more detail before being able to confirm the preferred option for this land.

á         Alongside this, Cornwall CouncilÕs new policy on Biodiversity Net Gain could mean that much of the land is actively managed for the benefit of wildlife.  Again we will provide more detail on this in due course.


Quite a bit is obviously still Ôwork in progressÕ. We have longer now from the funders to lodge the planning application so are able to spend time reviewing these matters.  However CCLT intends to lodge the application in 6 Ð 8 weeksÕ time.



Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Councillor D. Carter reported via email as follows:-

Firstly the One For All:- The Community Centre has been shut since Lock Down with no indoor or outdoor activity taking place.  Bearing in mind the need to maintain the facilities for the future all necessary procedures are in place.


They checked the Government Covid-19 Grant to support small businesses which is managed by Cornwall Council to see if they qualified for support, and they did, so have applied and have received £10,000 support. The Assistant Manager is on furlough and will receive 80% of wages during the lock down period. As mentioned the building is being maintained and volunteers are keeping the outside areas in a good and tidy condition. To insure all the sports and exercise areas are in order ready to resume activity they have discussed with Sport England the possibility of funding the cost of Vertie draining and fertilizing the playing areas and cleaning the MUGA surface, these discussions are ongoing.  From the 3 applications they submitted for funds toward the CafŽ extension one failed, one resulted in an award of £9,500.00 and one is still pending. They have prepared a further application which is subject to planning permission being current, the planning has been delayed because a site notice was not displayed and they have had to agree an extension date with the planners of 31st April 2020.


Secondly Corvid-19 Lock Down:- Barry Cornelius and his team of volunteers assisted by Councillor Miss Paula Bolton in Nanstallon and Councillor Danny Batten in Lanivet acting as contacts have been organising transport, deliveries and pickups using the Age UK Minibus based at the Community Centre and private cars. This has covered a wide area with groceries and supplies from the local Spar Shop who have organised the packages delivered to anywhere including  isolated and vulnerable people not just within the Parish, including 6.30am transport to Renal Unit in Bodmin 4 days a week, prescriptions from the surgery, patients to surgery for blood tests etc.


This work is ongoing 7 days a week, so the Community Centre may be closed but the benefits to the residents of the Parish and surrounding area goes on.


Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported he has his first on-line Planning Meeting next Wednesday and will be actioned by 13 Members sending their comments in, the Chair, Vice-Chair will discuss everything that has come in and discuss accordingly.



Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  Councillor Mrs. J. Dent advised nothing to report at the current time, as the April meeting was postponed.  She had a message from Sarah Sims today and needs to send out a Highways Scheme email but is waiting for input from Rachel Tatlow of Cormac before she can send it.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelter:-  Chairman reported the Village Green is looking better than it has in the last couple of years.


Play Equipment:- Clerk reported that Councillor T. Hancock continued to carry out the weekly inspection of the play equipment. 

Lanivet Car Park:-  No update.

Bus Shelters:-  No update.




Camel Trail Update:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported via email that the Camel Trail is being well used for local hourly exercise during the Covid-19 outbreak.   Grogley Bridge remains closed.  All work has been suspended until lockdown is lifted.



Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for memorials, inscriptions):- Clerk reported the Cemetery had been closed but new rules had come into force and it could be re-opened.  It was resolved to re-open the Cemetery (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker)

Councillor S. Walker discussed the knotweed treatment and wondered if Complete Weed Control are continuing at the present time Action: Clerk to follow up and ask him to liaise first with Councillor S. Walker as we will need to inform The Lawn Ranger to stop cutting back.






Public Conveniences Update:-  Councillor S. Walker reported it had been agreed in between meeting to contact South West Water to request the fitting of a new meter, also a Plumber would be attending to rectify a couple of issues once we were back to normal Action: Clerk.


Clerk reported that new rules had come into place and the Public Conveniences could be re-opened for the use of essential first line users.  She had liaised with AJH Services who had confirmed that she has been giving this a lot of thought and have come to the conclusion that returning to clean the toilets at Lanivet is a possibility.   As you have pointed out, she would need to take extra precautions and she is quite prepared to cover the cost against the weeks the toilets have been closed. Signs she feels are a must and will draft something up to put in place, maybe closing off all but one cubicle (where there are more than one) so that one at a time is possible. She could put out of order signs on the closed ones. Also is it possible to retain the closing times of 6.00pm until the all clear has been given.


This is not a stipulation but a request. Should the Parish Councillors agree to re-open under the above conditions, she would re-open with a deep clean, as soon as the ok is given. She will also send her invoice as usual under the terms of the new contract. It was resolved to re-open with these provisoÕs in place, Clerk to contact South West Water to see if we can replace the water meter that can be read with a isolator tap on the meter fitted, to replace what is already there and to contact Plumber once we come out of lock-down for necessary work to be carried out inside the toilets (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk.  Action: Chairman to continue to read the meter on a regular basis to keep a watch on the readings.

















Clerk/ Chairman


Special Events Ð VE Day and Tour of Britain:- Chairman reported the VE Day is not going ahead Action: Clerk to remove from the next agenda.



Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Councillor S. Walker reported that unfortunately they did not get the April/May Edition to the distributors before the lockdown, so they were not able to get them delivered. There are some copies available on the stall outside their house and in the rack outside the One For All Lanivet Parish Community Centre, if anyone wants to collect then on their daily walk. Also they are available on the usual electronic platforms.  Unless things change in the near future, which looks unlikely. The next edition June/July will only be available electronically, on the Parish Council Website, Lanivet Notice Board, Facebook Page, or they can email him direct and he would include them on the list of people he sends too in PDF form. They could possibly print a few, say around 20-30 for those people who cannot get them any other way and contact they by telephone.  If anyone wants to include anything to let them have it by the 10th May please.  Finally he finished by saying let us just hope we all get through this unscathed.


Clerk reported she had got a lot of information on the Website by Dinah Crellin but she herself had been updating on the Lanivet Parish Council Facebook Page and also sending to the Nanstallon Community Page regular updated, agendas, etc and would continue to do so Action: Clerk.
















1.    Great Western Railway Ð Changes to Services Ð Response to Covid-19

2.    Cornwall Council Ð Coronavirus Guidance and Update

3.    Great Western Railway Ð Emergency Measures Agreement with the Department for Transport

4.    CALC Ð Coronavirus Ð Information for Parish and Town Councils from NALC

5.    Cornwall Council Ð Postponement of next Bodmin Community Network Meeting

6.    Cormac Surfacing Ð Cancellation: A389 Road Closure

7.    CALC Ð Coronavirus FAQs Ð 23rd March 2020

8.    NALC Ð Chief Executives Bulletin

9.    CALC Ð Coronavirus Briefing for anyone considering visiting the County

10. Came & Company Ð Covid-19 Measures Taken to support the Parish Council

11. CALC Ð Coronavirus FAQs 4 Ð Update

12. CALC Ð Allotments

13. CALC Ð Public Conveniences run by Parish Councils

14. Alun Jones, Complete Weed Control Ð Covid-19 Update

15. PKF Littlejohn Ð 2019/2020 Agar for Annual Audit

16. Cornwall Council Ð Coronavirus Guidance and Update

17. Cornwall Council Pensions Ð Covid-19 Update from Cornwall Pension Fund

18. Came & Company Insurance Ð Working together with your organisation

19. CALC Ð Rate Relief

20. CALC Ð Impact of Coronavirus on Council Income Ð Budgetary Implications

21. CALC Ð Information on Closure of Play Areas

22. CALC Ð Employers Briefing

23. Cornwall Council Ð Town and Parish Council Coronavirus (Covid-19) Update Ð 26th March 2020

24. St. Cleer Parish Council Ð Volunteer Cornwall Flu Friends

25. Great Western Railway Ð Saturday Natterday Ð Week One

26. CALC Ð Update

27. CALC Ð Town & Parish Council Cobid-19 Update Ð 30th March 2020

28. NALC Ð Coronavirus Ð Information for Parish & Town Councils

29. Cornwall Council Ð Cornwall Waste Handling Sites Ð Covid-19

30. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update 3rd April 2020

31. Cornwall Council Ð Coronavirus Guidance & Update

32. Ocean Housing Ð Ocean supports NHF Covid-19 Commitments

33. CALC Ð Virtual Meetings Ð Government Memorandum on the new regulations

34. CALC Ð Update 6 including update on new virtual Meetings Regulations

35. Cornwall Rural Community Council Ð Sport England Emergency Funding

36. CALC Ð Toilet Survey & Resurrected Non Domestic Rating (Public Lavatories) Bill 2019-2021

37. Alan Percy Ð Planning Committee Closures Ð Corona Virus

38. CALC Ð Covid-19 Community Toolkit

39. The Distribution Centre Ð Next Day Food Delivery

40. CALC Ð Changes to the Planning Service during the Covid-19 Emergency

41. CALC Ð Discounted Subscription available for Zoom

42. CALC Ð Coronavirus FAQs Ð 9th April 2020

43. Cornwall Council Ð Covid-19: Public Rights of Way, the Coast Path and LMP

44. Cornwall CLT Ð April News

45. Cornwall Council Ð Planning Protocol for Applications considered by Cornwall Council during Covid-19

46. Cornwall Council Ð Consultation on Biodiversity Net Gain Chief Planning Officer Advice Note

47. Cornwall Council Ð Coronavirus Update

48. CALC Ð Coronavirus and Working from Home



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):-  None.



Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday 21st May 2020 at 7.00pm either on-line or by email, whatever is confirmed by the Government.  Clerk reported that Chair and Vice-Chairman can now remain through until 2021.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 7.36pm.







Date:        21st May 2020