
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. O. Sleeman



Cllr. Miss P. Bolton

Cllr. Mrs. C. Eddy

Cllr. A. Barnaby


Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters







Public Forum:-  None.



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:- Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet School Governor.

Councillor D. Carter declared via email a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust and Lanivet United Charity Trust as he had sent a report this evening.



Apologies:- Councillors T. Hancock, D. Carter, A. Harris, S. Walker, C. Vercoe, Mrs. J. Stickland, Mrs. J. Dent



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 21st May 2020:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 21st May 2020 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed and ratified by the Chairman at a future physical meeting (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton)



Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 21st May 2020:-

Page 1 Min.53/20 Yurt at Nanstallon:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters advised this had been reported, however, no Officers are currently going out on site, so it will be actioned in due course Action: Keep Pending.


Page 1 Min.54/20 Public Liability Insurance Cover:- Clerk reported she had received a response from CALC advising the normal way is that the Insurance Company provides quotes on bands of 3rd liability. There is normally a standard amount of cover within the policy and then it is for the Council to consider whether its activities require a higher sum.  They were not aware of any policy which will provide cover against Covid-19 risks associated with services run by a Parish Council.


Page 11 Min.108/20 VE Day Banner:-  A letter had been received from Mr. Peter Old advising the tower will remain with the VE Banner removed until early August when it will be altered to reflect VJ Day on the 15th August 2020. The Disk Jockey did a three hour stint on the 8th May which was very well received playing 30/40Õs music and it is again his intention to do the same on the 15th August between 5.00pm to 8.00pm. 


Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters






Monthly Report from Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported as follows:-

á         He had a telephone call regarding some building at Bodwannick Manor Farm.  He asked if anyone knew of any development going on in this area?

á         He has had a lot of flooding issues in all local parishes and are being actioned fairly quickly.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for his monthly report.



Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish:-


Highway Issues:- Clerk reported on an email from Councillor D. Carter as he had been asked to point out by a parishioner that the road opposite the Village Car Park which was previously repaired by Cormac has become very noisy again some vehicles either striking the dropped drain or the centre bollard concrete, he is not sure which.  It was resolved to forward to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters to follow up Action: Clerk.


Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy reported on the Nanstallon to Washaway road, on the left-hand side going up to the caravan site is in a very bad state again.  It was noted this is on the resurfacing list for action.


Update for One-Way System for Recycling Centre:- The Chairman has received a concern about restricted access for farmers along the Old Coach Road.  Since this is the only complaint he has received as opposed to the many comments in favour it was agreed that the Parish Council will still continue with the suggestion from Cornwall Highways to extend the period of the one way system to November 2020 and review at that time.


Footpaths:-  Clerk reported that Max Simpson sent a quotation today for next yearÕs footpath trimming in the sum of £500.00.  Chairman advised this is well within budget and perhaps we could arrange a third cut if necessary or ask him to include more time cutting back to ensure we use all our funding Action: Clerk.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  No Update.



















Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic Coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Lanivet Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.


PA20/01924 Ð Mr. John Kindgon Ð Prior approval for a steel-framed agricultural building that will mainly be used for hay, straw and fodder with a large number of silage bales stores to one end of the building generated on other areas of the farm, Land at Reperry, Reperry Road, Lanivet Ð Follow Cornwall Council Planning OfficerÕs recommendations (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)


Planning Results Received:- 


PA20/02614 Ð Mr. Chrusciak Ð Listed Building Consent for the refurbishment and internal remodelling of Tretoil Farmhouse, replacement of windows and doors and demolition of internal wall to create new bedroom and ensuite, Tretoil Farm, Lanivet Ð  Approved















Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for June 2020 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy): - 

British Gas Ð Electric for Toilets


8/4/20 Ð 7/5/20

Paul Bazeley Window Cleaning


Bus Shelters Ð May 2020

South West Drains


Clear Toilet Drains

The Lawn Ranger Ð Grasscutting


June 2020

Lloyds Bank


Bank Service Charge

DMC IT Ð Website Maintenance


May 2020

AJH Services Ð Toilet Cleaning


June 2020

Hudson Accounting Limited


Internal Audit 2019-2020

Mrs. J. Burdon


Salary & Expenses

CC Pension Scheme


May 2020

Inland Revenue


May 2020

Receipt: R.J. Bray & Son


Interment (Williams)












Approval of Annual Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2020:-  It was resolved to approve the Annual Accounts for the year ending 31st March 2020 as set out, which were duly signed by the Chairman and Clerk (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby



Approval of Section 1 of Annual Return Ð Annual Governance Statement 2019/2020:- It was resolved to approve Section 1 of the Annual Return as set out  (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk




Approval of Section 2 of Annual Return Ð Accounting Statements 2019/2020:- It was resolved to approve Section 2 of the Annual Return as set out (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk




Internal Auditors Report to be actioned for the year ending 31st March 2020:- Clerk reported on internal audit carried out and the internal audit response record as follows:-

1.    Appropriate accounting records have been properly kept throughout the financial year.

2.    This Authority complied with its financial regulations, payments were supported by invoices, all expenditure was approved, and vat was appropriately accounted for.

3.    This Authority assessed the significant risks to achieving its objectives and reviewed the adequacy of arrangements to manage these Ð Insurance and Risk Assessment & Internal Controls. Risk Assessment reviewed in March 2019 and then in May 2020, hence not within the financial year subject to audit, this will impact the CouncilÕs response on its Annual Governance Statement. Recommendation that the impact of the current pandemic on Council business and finances should be reflected in the next review of its risk management arrangements to ensure preparedness in the future and that any financial impact is mitigated Action: Clerk/Chairman

4.    The precept or rates requirements resulted from an adequate budgetary process; progress against the budget was regularly monitored, and reserves were appropriate.  The precept was set in October following the production of detailed estimates, there was no formal approval of the budget as is required. To demonstrate that the Parish Council has met its legal obligation to derive the precept from the budget setting process it must approve the budget and reflect this in the Minutes Action: Clerk.

5.    Expected income was fully received, based on correct prices, properly recorded, and promptly banked; and vat was appropriately accounted for.

6.    Petty cash payments were properly supported by receipts, all petty cash expenditure was approved, and vat appropriately accounted for.

7.    Salaries to employees and allowances to members were paid in accordance with this AuthorityÕs approvals, and PAYE and NI requirements were properly applied.

8.    Asset and investments registers were complete and accurate and properly maintained. Recommendation that has much useful information as possible should be included on the asset register including insurance values (for information only) and the Ônil valueÕ assets must be included at £1 and the accounting statements re-stated for 2018/19 accordingly Action: Clerk/Chairman

9.    Periodic and year-end bank account reconciliations were properly carried out.

10. Accounting statements prepared during the year were prepared on the correct accounting basis (receipts and payments or income and expenditure) agreed to the cash book, supported by an appropriate audit trail from underlying records, and where appropriate debtors and creditors were properly recorded.

11. During Summer 2019 this Authority has correctly provided the proper opportunity for the exercise of public rights in accordance with requirements of the Accounts and Audit Regulations. Recommendation that the Council must ensure it correctly completes the requisite notice and then publishes it on its website along with a statement signed by the RFO stating that the accounts are unaudited and subject to change, the accounting statements and annual governance statement Action: Clerk/Chairman

It was resolved to approve the Internal Auditors Report and action any queries raised (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton) Action: Clerk/Councillor D. Batten











Clerk/ Chairman














Clerk/ Chairman









Clerk/ Chairman


Clerk/ Chairman


Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- Councillor D. Batten reported that everything is quiet at present as staff have been furloughed and CCLT are dependent on Contractors to produce the planning application to Cornwall Council.  He suspects we may not see the application much before Christmas 2020.  He is hoping for an update when he attends the online CCLT AGM on the 24th June 2020 and will report at the next Council Meeting in July.



Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Councillor D. Carter reported via email that there has not been much change from last month, other than he has been informed that is latest application for funds has been successful and they have been awarded a further £15,000.00.

While things are quiet at the community centre we are taking the opportunity to decorate rooms and protect walls by fitting rubbing rails to rooms and corridors. Decorating is being carried out by an employed paid professional all other site maintenance is by volunteers.

He asked whether we should we have something in the agendas or minutes relating to the Parish Councils response to pandemic to show parishioners that we fully support including financial, the work being carried out by Community Centre?  We are fully supportive of this and Parish Councillors are also involved with this project.  

The One For All Community Centre report on the parish response to the pandemic is as follows:

Summary of Activity 23rd March to 14th June 2020 Ð Prescriptions delivered = 181; Shopping deliveries = 1,336; Medical appointments = 20.

Number of Volunteers Ð First Contact Points = 17; Drivers = 7.

They have also been involved in various help including assisting with ordering fuel oil and arranging a boiler service, using a cooker, reconnected a telephone, getting medical assistance for poorly residents, paying bills and generally keeping an eye and ear out for peopleÕs wellbeing.

They are now working with the Stillmore and Carnewater Surgeries as the main delivery service to the Parish and a much larger area (as far as Launceston), as groups like the Bodmin Bikers have stopped their service.

In addition to these services Kathryn Pearn in conjunction with  Bodmin Rotary has set up a sewing group of 10 dedicated volunteers that have so far produced more than 200 scrub bags and 100 headbands and masks for distribution to the NHS Hospitals at Treliske and Bodmin, Social Care Workers, key workers and local businesses.

Thanks should also go to  Chris and Grant Claxton and the staff at the Spar for all their help in coordinating the shopping deliveries.  Rob and Nat Liddicoat and the staff at the Lanivet Inn for organising food boxes and food delivery service.  Age Uk Cornwall for the free use of the minibus.

The Parish Council thanked Councillor D. Carter and his colleagues who have assisted in this project and for all the very hard word they have undertaken.  The Parish Council are fully supportive of this and are working Òhand in gloveÓ with this project.



Seat at Reperry Cross Update:- Clerk reported an email had been received advising the sea was discovered and had fallen over due to the metal stand having rusted away and the parishioner found it very useful, especially during recent lockdown times, to be able to head for the seat, sit and admire the super view, and then return to the village. They were not sure if it was the responsibility of the family of the deceased to repair but wondered if they had been informed, or even if the Council know who the family are.


Councillor D. Carter had confirmed the situation and it appears the family who had originally put the seat in place had all sadly passed away.  He had himself made some repairs about ten years ago.  He suggested possibly applying to the Community Chest Fund to assist.


Councillor D. Carter would like to see it replaced when we can find funds, it is a resting place for people out for exercise around the village and convenient for the Saints Way walkers, just getting rid of things because its old and will then be forgotten should not be our policy.


It was resolved to purchase a new seat and arrange fitting and apply to the Community Chest Fund, Cornwall Councillor C. Batters would arrange for the forms to be forwarded to the Clerk for completion (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor O. Sleeman) Action: Clerk to submit application for £200.00 to the Community Chest Fund and Parish Council to match fund in the sum of £200.00, possibly looking at a bench with concrete sides and heavy duty plastic slats Action: Councillor A. Barnaby to follow up and liaise with the Clerk.

















Cllr. A. Barnaby


Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported there is an online meeting arranged for the 25th June 2020 and she will give updates at the July Meeting. 


Chairman reported on a speaker that have to attend the meeting who he had met recently.  She had been talking about families that are starving and she was asking what the Schools were doing about this, especially as some of the local children from Lanivet come back to school malnourished after the holidays.  The aim of inviting her to the meeting is to encourage Bodmin Town Council as well as other Parishes to do whatever they can do to help with this.  This will be one of the key issues to be discussed next week, so hopefully there will be some good information reported at the next meeting.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelter:-  Clerk reported that Councillor T. Hancock is still carrying out monthly checks as and when he can.


Play Equipment:- Clerk reported she will be attending an on-line meeting with CALC regarding the playing fields.


Action: Chairman to forward a copy of the Rospa Report to Councillor S. Walker, as agreed.


Lanivet Car Park:-  No update.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.









Camel Trail Update:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported that Grogley Bridge has now re-opened for pedestrians and cyclists.  However, there is no date on the agenda for repairs to the bridge.  There is a sign up advising no equine to use the bridge.


Clerk reported an email had been circulated this afternoon from the Environment Agency in respect of the River Camel Restoration at Grogley: Project Update June 2020 with a link for the latest updates.


Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported through the Withiel Chair he has followed up on the weight of the vehicles using the bridge and other specific questions to be answered, as a lot of people have been asking about using the bridge.



Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for memorials, inscriptions):- Chairman was pleased to report that the Internal Auditor had carried out spot checks during his audit and testing revealed that burial fees had been accurately applied and income banked promptly, thanks go to the Clerk.


Clerk reported on a request from the family with the large heart memorial who would like to put in a granite cover slab over the grave to keep it tidy.  Clerk reported she had advised we do not allow cover slabs or kerbsets.  It was resolved to confirm we do not permit cover slabs or kerbsets (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton) Action: Clerk.


Cornwall Councillor C. Batters left the meeting at 7.58pm.










Public Conveniences Update:-  Clerk reported she had been in contact with the Plumber and he is hoping to commence works now his workforce are back either the end of this week or next week.  She is waiting for a response regarding the new meter with an isolator tap to be supplied by South West Water.  Chairman reported he is continuing to monitor the water meter.  Clerk to inform the Plumber we seem to be using a lot of water and ask whether he can advise on a low-cost solution Action: Clerk.







Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk reported the Website and Facebook are being updated regularly.  The Accounts paperwork agreed tonight would be included on the Website as unaudited annual governance statement and accounts were signed this evening.


Action: Clerk to forward notices to Chairman and Councillor Miss P. Bolton to put up on the Lanivet and Nanstallon noticeboards.


Action: Clerk to request an update from Councillor S. Walker on the mulching at Lanivet Cemetery and whether this has been actioned by the Parish Tree Warden.










1.    Cornwall Council Ð Town and Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 22nd May 2020

2.    CALC Ð Coronavirus Ð Information for Parish & Town Councils

3.    Cornwall Wildlife Trust Ð Community Resources

4.    CALC Ð Guide to Risk Assessment

5.    Cornwall Community Flood Forum Ð SW Property Flood Resilience Pathfinder: PFR Awareness Questionnaire

6.    Cornwall Council Ð Town and Parish Covid-19 Update Ð 29th May 2020

7.    Cornwall Council Ð Tree Warden Newsletter

8.    Environment Agency Ð Flood Risk Research Project Ð Can you Help?

9.    CALC Ð Parish Clerk Vacancy Ð North Petherwin Parish Council

10. Cornwall Council, Sara Sims Ð Social Distancing information for Town Centres

11. CALC Ð Meetings of Parish and Town Councils

12. CALC Ð Guidance on re-opening your buildings from Cornwall CouncilÕs Business Regulatory Support Service

13. CALC Ð Re-opening of Public Toilets Ð Response

14. CALC Ð Advice Notes: VAT on Digital Services (Zoom) and Homeworking

15. Cormac Surfacing Ð A389 Dunmere Carriageway Repairs

16. Andrew George, Cornwall Community Land Trust = AGM and Review Ð Wednesday 24th June 2020 at 10.00am by Zoom

17. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 5th June 2020

18. Great Western Railway Ð GWR Celebrates Pride Month

19. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Ð Councillors Advocates Scheme

20. Cornwall Council Pensions Ð June 2020 Cornwall Pension Fund Employer Newsletter

21. Cornwall Council Ð Opening High Streets

22. Cornwall Council Ð Re-opening High Streets Safety Fund

23. CALC Ð Tracking Coronavirus Challenges Survey

24. CALC Ð 2020/2021 Pay Award Ð Update on current position

25. Cornwall Council Ð Parish Electorate as at 1st April 2020

26. CALC Ð Smaller Councils Meeting Ð Via Zoom Ð Thursday 25th June 2020 at 2.00pm

27. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 12th June 2020

28. Cormac Solutions Ð Town & Parish Council Ð Highways & Environment Update

29. CALC Ð Slides from Re-opening Public Toilets Webinar Ð 15th June 2020

30. Citizens Advice Cornwall Ð Update

31. Cornwall Council Ð Parish Electorate as at 1st April 2020

32. CALC Ð Re-Opening Play Areas Ð Proposed Webinar Meeting

33. CALC Ð Public Toilets Ð Risk Assessment Guide and Templates



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):-  None.



Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday 16th July 2020 at 7.00pm either on-line or by email, whatever is confirmed by the Government. 


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.08pm.







Date:        16th July 2020