
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. D. Austin



Cllr. T. Hancock

Cllr. A. Harris

Cllr. T. Grose


Cllr. A. Barnaby

Cllr. D. Williams

Cllr. C. Vercoe


Cllr. Mrs. H. Akehurst

Cllr. S. Jennings

Cllr. Miss P. Bolton





Public Forum:-  None.



Apologies:- Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland, Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:-  Councillors D. Batten and A. Harris declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust.


Councillor D. Austin declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Trustee of Lanivet Academy. 


Councillor D. Williams declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Charities.



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 9th December 2021:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 9th December 2021 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor A. Harris; Seconded: Councillor S. Jennings)




Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 9th December 2021:-


Page 1 Public Forum -  Lanivet & District Under Fives:-  Councillor A. Harris reported Jessica Finnemore had not had any success with funding.  He has suggested to her to contact Scott Mann MP and discuss with him the funding issues in Cornwall, there appears to be no funding given to Cornwall Council or anywhere for this type of project.  He is concerned that there is no money available for pre-school playgroups or any projects of this nature. Councillor D. Williams reported the Lanivet & District Under Fives are currently looking at other avenues for suitable accommodation and are looking at modules of what is required. Jessica Finnemore attended a meeting of the Trustees and gave an excellent presentation last night and they were totally behind her. This is an asset to the Parish and to the School as well. Chairman suggested we need to ensure Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse be involved and to liaise with Scott Mann MP. Councillor A. Harris wondered whether we should liaise with Jessica Finnemore and see if she would like us to send correspondence on her behalf or in support of Action: Chairman.


Page 2 Min.124/21 BT Pole:-  Clerk reported she had been informed there was a notice of transfer imminent on the pole Action: Keep Pending.

Page 2 Min.149/51 Internal Auditors Report:- Clerk reported all actions are in place, and she would be meeting with Councillor D. Austin to make any final adjustments Action: Clerk and Councillor D. Austin.


Page 2 Min.219/21 No Dog Signs:-  Clerk reported the signs had now been received and passed to Councillor A. Barnaby.  With regards to the debit card, this would be followed up again as no application pack had been received Action: Clerk.















Clerk/Cllr. D. Austin






Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:-  Apologies received and brief email circulated from Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse as follows:-

á         Following on from the last meeting I contacted several colleagues to see if we could assist with the pre-school funding but was unable to find any satisfactory assistance.

á         I have received a telephone call about the flashing speed restriction at Lamorrick. Apparently, residents were promised this would be 30mph but it is flashing 40mph and they are very unhappy about this. I have contacted Highways to find out the reasoning behind this. I am still waiting to hear if the speed monitoring has taken place at Lamorrick.

á         I apologise that I will be unable to attend this monthÕs meeting. As explained to Chairman I sit on the Harbours Board which also meets third Thursday in Truro at 7.30pm and also Bodmin Town Full Council often meet on a Thursday also. I am happy to change to another time if this is suitable for other Parish Council Members. I know that Clerk also would prefer a meeting earlier in the month and this would suit me too. First Wednesday is Withiel, Blisland second Thursday, Cardinham is third Tuesday and Lanhydrock is normally a Monday, also Helland but they do not meet monthly.

á         It has been a quiet month with no complaints (to me at least) from Lanivet.

á         Council news is that the draft budget is approved with 45 million extras to be allocated for Adult Social Care.

á         Recently I attended a meeting on bus provision and the discounted rates coming in the spring, plus the integrated ticket which enables tickets from the two main providers to be interchanged. I would be interested to hear comments on the bus service in Lanivet.

Chair thanked Clerk for circulating email from Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse for this evenings meeting.


Chairman raised the issues with Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse not being able to attend out Parish Council Meetings and is currently liaising with her regarding a suitable day of the week, and hopefully to keep to a Thursday, if possible.  Councillors were all in agreement this would be acceptable Action: Chairman.

























Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish (Including Maintenance of Verged in the Parish:-


Highway Issues:- Chairman reported he recently attended a Zoom Meeting in respect of the Recycling Centre and has arranged a meeting on site on the 21st February 2022 for any Councillors wishing to attend.  He would remind Councillors of full details nearer the time Action: Chairman.




Letter from Forest for Cornwall Ð Public Consultation Ð Woodland Creation at Wheal Prosper closed landfill site, Old Coach Road, Lanivet.  It was agreed to acknowledge advising the Chairman looks forward to hearing their plans in due course. It was agreed to also ask what exactly they mean about involving volunteers in the maintenance Action: Clerk.


Footpaths:- Min.255/21 from last month as reported by Councillor A. Barnaby Ð it has been taken another step forward via a Solicitor and they advise if the Ramblers achieve this, all traffic could be stopped going up there.   Councillor A. Barnaby will make a telephone call tomorrow to Cornwall Council and inform the Chairman and Clerk Action: Councillor A. Barnaby.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  None.


Maintenance of Verges in the Parish:- Chairman reported on site meeting with Alan Keat and Clerk said he would be sending a quotation in due course, although he had some questions regarding the legalities involved. Clerk advised she had followed up again and Alan said he would follow up on the legal questions asked Action: Keep Pending. 


It was reported that on the left-hand side as you approach Lanivet, where the new speed camera is, we need the trees cut back as lorries are still hitting them, it was agreed to ask Cormac to clear this area, either remove the trees or cut higher Action: Clerk.


It was agreed a meeting in general regarding the whole area needs to be arranged with Rachael Tatlow to discuss the issues and ask if she could meet on the corner at Lanivet/Lamorick, asking her to bring her maps so we know who is responsible for what, so we have a definitive agreement of who deals with this, it was agreed to ask whether this meeting could follow on from the Recycling Centre Meeting on the 21st February at the entrance to Lanivet nearby Lamorick, so we can discuss footpaths, signs, and overgrowth Action: Clerk. 


Action: Clerk to compile letter from Parish Council regarding overgrowth as discussed, around 15-20 letters, to be hand delivered by Councillors A. Barnaby and D. Williams, to be address to the home owner. 













Cllr. A. Barnaby




















Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  


Planning Applications:-


PA21/11307 Ð Mr. & Mrs. Bundy Ð Small extension to the front of the dwelling, replacing the flat roof at the rear with a slated pitched roof, internal alterations and window changes, Que Sera, Rectory Road, Lanivet Ð Support (Proposed: Councillor A. Harris; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)


PA21/11867 Ð Mr. & Mrs. Daw Ð Retention of external appearance to existing dwelling house, retention of stable block, annex and store room, Higher Rosewarrick Stables, Lanivet Ð Parish Council to go with Planning Officers recommendations (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor S. Jennings)

PA21/12513 Ð Mrs. G. Robertson Ð Certificate of Lawfulness for the proposed use of the placement of a caravan/log cabin within the residential curtilage of the property for ancillary purposes, Cross Lane, Road from Ruthernbridge to Penmenoth, Ruthern Ð Extension of Time Requested and Granted Ð Next Agenda


Planning Results:-


PA21/09093 Ð Mr. Nick Ellery Ð Certificate of Lawful Development for an Existing Use of a Caravan as a self-contained residential unit of accommodation, Tregullon Cottage, Lanivet Ð Granted (CAADs, PIPs and LUs only)















Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for January 2022 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock)

Peter Old (Cedar Croft Nurseries)


Christmas Tree

Duchy CemeteryÕs Limited


Interment Ð Clarke

British Gas



DMC IT Ð Website Updating


December 2021

Lloyds Bank Ð Bank Charges


January 2022

Mr. A. J. Barnaby


Toilet Consumables

Mrs. J. Burdon - Amazon


Dog Signs

Mrs. J. Burdon


Salary & Expenses

CC Pension Scheme


January 2022

Inland Revenue


January 2022

Cornwall Council


Election Recharges 2021

Paul Bazeley Window Cleaning


Shelters January 2022

Receipt: HMRC Ð VAT Refund


November 2021

Receipt: Mr. & Mrs. Keenan


Grave Reservation

Clerk to send Christmas lights information/invoices to Chairman and Councillor A. Barnaby Action: Clerk.
















Approval of Budget Monitoring Report:- It was resolved to include on the next agenda Action: Clerk.



Approval of Asset Register:- It was resolved to approve the Asset Register as circulated and include solar lights and Lan Henge, Reperry, Toilet Block Action: Clerk to check with the Insurance Company that we have the toilet block covered. Action: Clerk to amend and include on the next agenda (Proposed: Councillor T. Hancock; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)





Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- No update.



Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Report received from Mr. D. Carter as follows - Just a short report not much changed since the last one.  However, the kitchen equipment has been delivered and put in place ready for final wiring, which is soon to take place; all appears to be of very good quality and is much appreciated. As soon as all the electrics have been completed so that we can have lights I will arrange for you and the Councillors to view. Good progress is being made and I hope that completion is not too distant.



Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  Chairman reported there is a site meeting as mentioned earlier.




Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelters (Including (a) CCTV Update and/or relevant equipment to be installed, i.e. solar light, deterrent cameras; (b) Grasscutting Agreement Ð Lanivet School):-   


Lanivet Car Park:-  No update.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.


CCTV Update and/or relevant equipment to be installed, i.e. solar light, deterrent cameras:- Chairman reported a solar light was suggested for the Car Park and he would happily sanction this, in conjunction with the Finance Chairman.  It was resolved to purchase a solar light and pole for the Car Park area and Councillor A. Barnaby to arrange with Mr. Kingdon to instal (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor D. Austin) Action: Clerk. It was agreed the Clerk waits to order until she has heard from Councillor A. Barnaby as he will speak to them first).


Chairman reported on the CCTV meeting sand it was suggested putting a camera on a pole on the toilet block and link to the sluice room on a 24-loop recording. He wanted to know if Councillors feel this is needed.  Councillor A. Barnaby suggested dummy cameras on the solar lights, or he suggested solar cameras.  Councillor Miss P. Bolton suggested she would like to see the toilet blocks protected by using a CCTV unit and camera to avoid vandalism, it was noted that signs need to be put up everywhere to inform people they are being recorded.  Councillor S. Jennings and other Councillors interested to get together and see what is affordable and feasible and report back to the next meeting Action: Councillors.


Grasscutting Agreement Ð Lanivet School:-   Chairman reported on email received from Linda Cackett, Office Manager advising they would not be renewing their agreement with the Parish Council to undertake the grass cutting of the Village Green in 2022. They say they will ensure the grass is cut throughout the year by an alternative contractor.   Chairman reported there is  plan in place, put in three years ago for a contribution of £999.00 to be invoiced by the Parish Council which worked out cheaper for them. The Clerk had sent all correspondence and relevant information to the Chairman who was arranging a meeting with the School to follow up; he was waiting for a date Action: Chairman.


Weed Control Ð Councillor A. Barnaby suggested we need to ensure we are on top of the weed treatment in the Parish as no-one appears to see him and we need to ensure we know when they are coming, and they are adhering to the contract.  Chairman suggested this needs to be discussed and followed up.










Clerk/Cllr. A. Barnaby


















Camel Trail Update:- Email report received from Councillor Miss P. Bolton advising the Camel Trail had some surface clearance last month. A couple of trees fell down in the winds towards Grogley last week but were cleared quickly. All fine at present. 



Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for memorials, inscriptions):- Chairman reported the Cemetery is looking very nice.



Public Conveniences Update:- Chairman reported that the Parish Council lost our Public Conveniences Cleaning/Opening/Closing Contractor before Christmas. 

Over the Christmas holidays the toilet block has been opened and closed.  Chairman wished to thank Councillor A. Barnaby for locking, unlocking and cleaning on a voluntary basis.  Councillor D. Williams thanked him for doing this and he believes he should receive a contribution for carrying out this work.  Chairman reported he has spoken with Councillor A. Barnaby, and he would rather like to see some work carried out in the village and this could come out of the public conveniences budget.


Councillor A. Barnaby reported he met a company recently and obtained a quote of £150.00 per week, which he thought was rather expensive.  It was suggested the best way to keep the toilets clean is using bleach and hot water.  He has also tidied up and fixed the toilet seats, along with some remedial works. Councillor A. Barnaby reported he is happy to carry on as he is going at the moment carrying the work out voluntary, unless of course he wants to go on holiday, when he would appreciate some assistance. 


It was resolved to advertise on the relevant Parish Facebooks, noticeboards and Website for anyone who may express an interest in cleaning, opening closing of the public conveniences.  Councillor A. Barnaby proposed he would rather the Parish Council purchases all materials for the toilets, rather than include in the price for the contractor (Proposed: Councillor C. Vercoe; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Clerk suggested the Parish Council opens an account, so the Parish Council can pay direct to enable us to reclaim vat.  Clerk and Councillor A. Barnaby to liaise regarding setting up an account for materials as necessary Action: Clerk.





















The QueenÕs Platinum Jubilee Beacons:- Councillor A. Harris reported they are holding a meeting next Tuesday at 7.30pm in the One for All Meeting Room. He will be inviting representatives from the Schools, Church, Chapels and local businesses. They need to establish the grid references for a beacon.



Lanivet Parish Historic Buildings (Including (a) Lanivet & District Under Fives Church Hall and proposals; (b) Nanstallon Chapel Update):- Councillor D. Williams reported the Church has just started with an appeal for the roof, this could take up to two years.


Lanivet & District Under Fives Church Hall and proposals:- Discussed earlier under Matters Arising.


Nanstallon Chapel Update:- Councillors Mrs. H. Akehurst and Miss P. Bolton reported there was a meeting this week, but details would apparently be revealed in the Parish Magazine.



Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk reported Facebook and the Website continue to be updated monthly and advertisements put up as discussed earlier.


Chairman reported the next magazine will be out the first week of February.




1.    Great Western Railway Ð New Timetable

2.    Cornwall Council Ð Scans targeting Town and Parish Councils

3.    Plymouth City Council Ð Sub-national Transport Bodies Conference Ð 26th May 2022

4.    Cornwall Council Ð Hackney Carriage & Private Hire Vehicle, Operator & Driver Licensing Policy Consultation

5.    International Centre for Parliamentary Studies Ð Overcoming Funding Challenges in Local Government Seminar Ð Tuesday 15th February 2022

6.    CALC Ð Coronavirus Briefing and Ventilate your Business leaflet

7.    Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Bulletin

8.    Cornwall Community Flood Forum Ð Invitation to Flood Forum Taster Training Workshop on Thursday 10th February 2022 from 6.00-8.30pm

9.    CALC Ð Members Update

10. Cornwall Council Ð Local Council Survey on nature

11. CALC Ð Moving to Plan B Webinar

12. Great Western Railway Update

13. Cornwall Council Ð Budget Consultation

14. Great Western Railway Ð Christmas Travel Advice

15. Plantlife Ð Online Nature and Conservation Talks this February

16. Citizens Advice Winter Update

17. CALC Ð NALC Events

18. Great Western Railway Ð Temporary Timetable Update

19. CALC Ð Training Update Ð January/February 2022

20. CALC Ð The QueenÕs Platinum Jubilee Beacons Ð 2nd June 2022

21. Cornwall Council Pensions Ð Employers Newsletter Ð January 2022

22. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Newsletter Ð 14th January 2022

23. Great Western Railway Ð Rockfall Shelter Work at Dawlish, Impact on Night Riveria Sleeper

24. CALC Ð Planning Training

25. Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine (Councillor A. Barnaby)



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):- None.



Date of Next Meeting and Meetings for 2022:- Thursday 17th February 2022 at 7.00pm to be held in the One for All Lanivet Parish Community Centre.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.45pm.







Date:        17th February 2022