
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. D. Austin



Cllr. Mrs. C. Eddy

Cllr. C. Vercoe

Cllr. Miss P. Bolton


Cllr. T. Hancock

Cllr. S. Jenning

Cllr. A. Barnaby

Cllr. Mrs. J. Dent

Cllr. T. Grose

Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


Jenny Cruse







Public Forum:-  Jenny Cruse reported some information in respect of the planning application for Mr. Orchard and she was sympathetic with all the local parishionersÕ concerns.  The problem really comes with if they have put in an encampment, this could make enforcement quite weak.  There apparently has been some scoping on the white paper that has recently come out in respect of encampment for gypsy sites. She spoke with Scott Mann MP and he some very good ideas.  She has been in Cornwall for 47 years, in various places.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported that recently they had a meeting, and  this site application is going to be a very difficult site to manage.  It will take considerable changes in law for anything to ease on these types of sites.  He was concerned the white paper could take up to two years.



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:-  Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet School Governor.   

Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust.

Councillor D. Austin declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Trustee of Lanivet Academy.   

Councillor Miss P. Bolton declared a non-registerable interest in respect of this planning application PA20/10637.



Apologies:- Councillors A. Harris, Mrs. J. Stickland



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 10th December 2020:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 10th December 2020 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed and ratified by the Chairman at a future physical meeting (Proposed: Councillor D. Austin; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)




Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 10th December 2020:-

Page 2 Min.122/20 Internal Auditors Report:-  Clerk reported the matters raised will be dealt with in due course by herself and the Chairman. Chairman asked whether Councillor D. Austin could work with the Clerk and review the documents Action: Clerk and Councillor D. Austin to action.


Page 2 Min.215/20 Grave spaces with inappropriate surroundings:- Clerk reported letters had been sent to three families, with loose stones on the grave spaces and one with horseshoes, one response will be raised under Cemetery Matters later this evening  Action: Keep Pending.


Page 3 Min.251/20 Highway Issues:-  Rachael Tatlow of Cormac reported the flooding at Higher Woodley will need to be addressed under a road closure, as machinery is required to clear out the ditch, and for the pipe to be jetted. A team have attempted to clear by hand but with no success. This work is being arranged accordingly. The second site has been visited and potholes identified for repair and arrangements will be made to try and manage the water that pools in the low spot in this area.


Page 4 Min.253/20 Planning Application for Mrs. T. Orchard:-  Clerk reported the following objections were sent as agreed Ð The Lanivet Parish Council has voted to support local residents in its objection to the above planning application.  It has received many letters of objection and notes the strength of feeling in the immediate local community.  I have been asked to submit the following issues for your consideration:- (a) The overwhelming objection to this application and the fear that this small community of Higher Rosewarrick will be adversely affected by this proposed new development; (b) Concern was also raised about the adequacy of the access road.  It is a single-track road in very poor condition and prone to complete flooding in wet weather.  The only passing place is a private drive and there are no safe, easy run-off to aid passing on either side of the road; (c) It is a rural area, unsuitable for such a development; (d) Concern was expressed over the possible expansion of this development into the adjoining field which we understood is all part of the one site.


Page 6 Min.260/20 Funding for Lamorick Project:-  Response as circulated from Councillor Mrs. J. Dent advising she had discussed with Sarah Sims recently when planning the agenda for their next meeting.  They have planned to ask Rachel Tatlow to attend and provide an update on the Highways programme.  See report later in the meeting.



Clerk/Cllr. D. Austin






Monthly Report from Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported as follows as per email circulated:-

1.    Drainage problems at Lamorrick - Reported problems with manhole cover and roadside.  Reported and reply received being attended to.

2.    Flooding on Lamorrick Hill - Reply received and CCTV cameras to be put down drain and drains attended to.

3.    Drain at rear of 40 Rectory Road - This drain has been a constant problem over the years, but it appears they have now highlighted the cause of the problem to be a blocked drain to the front of the property and have scheduled Cormac to attend and sort it. Apparently, it is considered this is being blocked from a property further down the road, he does not quite understand. It has not worked, so he has followed up again today.

4.    Water leakage and water flow turning to ice on Fir Hill to Three Waters House  - Cormac Steward attended and will investigate cause of water coming out of verge at top of hill.

5.    Camel Trail Gates and Fence - Repairs needed to gate and fencing near to Camel Valley Vineyard. Cormac to attend and repair.

6.    For the record, although some Councillors proposed that Councillors allowances were increased in May, as I stated when it was revealed some weeks ago, I was strongly opposed to any allowance increase for myself and other Cornwall Councillors during this period, and as can be seen on the Live Stream recording of yesterdayÕs Council meeting, I spoke most strongly against such payments being made during such a difficult and testing period for families and the like.  Personally, I am not even seeking any increase.  

7.    He spoke with Councillor T. Hancock about signs being demolished with regards to the detour to the Recycling Centre.  He has already requested this matter be dealt with.

8.    He raised the concerns at Lamorick and advised this will be investigated.  Councillor A. Barnaby offered to meet anyone on site if needed.

9.    Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported on the icy conditions on the road following the Network Meeting and she believes he has a better understanding.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported there are certain villages that become stranded, recently he had 16 accidents from local villages called in to him with icy roads.  He raised the concerns in the local villages at the Network Meeting and Cormac advised they would replenish the grit box once a year only, if there is one available.

10. Councillor A. Barnaby raised recycling centre, he asked if will remain running the same way.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters hoped it would.  Clerk advised we have a letter from Cormac regarding this for the next item on the agenda.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for his monthly report.




Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish (Including Discussion on HWRC Lanivet Ð Review of experimental One-Way System):-

Highway Issues:-  Chairman reported a drain was repaired near the central bollard near the bus stop on the Methodist Church side and he noticed walking past it today, it has degraded quite a lot Action: Clerk to forward to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters to follow up.


Email received from Steve Walker advising as he was driving past Six Turnings on the 18th January, he noticed that a tractor had been driving over the grass in front of the new bench erected.  He believes at one time it was the Parish Councils intention to smarten this area up, he wanted to let us know.  It certainly has not improved to look of the area, leaving muddy tyre ruts across it. It was resolved to put some quarter tonne stones, Chairman has 6-8 of them and if we knew of a farmer who could help, they could be put in place.  He asked Councillors A. Barnaby and T. Hancock to take a look at them.  Councillor A. Barnaby had some topsoil that could be made available on the site Action: Agenda item for next meeting.


Email from Steve Walker in respect of the drainage at Lamorick advising he understands that Cornwall Councillor C. Batters is involved with this issue, but he would also like the Parish Council to keep pursuing as well if possible, he would like to think the more people keep the pressure on, the more chance there is that something gets done.  This issue has been going on for a number of years now and it seems that every time they get a problem and report to Cormac, they promise to do something but by the time the Steward visits the flood is long gone and residents have cleared the rubbish themselves.  There is nothing much that happens then until it is reported again.  He said this issue really needs to be sorted out once and for all.  There needs to be an upgrade to the road drainage at Lamorick Bridge, this was agreed with Cormac some years ago, but now seems to have been forgotten, also a lot more frequent regime of inspecting and maintaining drains on Old Coach Road, from the bridge to the top of the hill. There was recently a serious flooding issue in Lamorick. This problem occurs every winter during periods of heavy rain, especially when the drains on Old Coach Road have not been maintained property, which seems to be the case again recently, as most of them are either full of debris or covered with leaves and vegetation, etc.

It was resolved to write to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for an update from Rachael Tatlow of Cormac as to what is happening with regards to this Action: Clerk.


Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported that going out of Nanstallon past Tremayle Farm there is a very large build-up of mud.  She wondered if we could contact the Keats Farmers and ask if they could scrape the mud off.  Councillor Miss P. Bolton offered to speak with Mr. Keat to action Action: Councillor Miss P. Bolton


Footpaths:-  None.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  None.


Councillor A. Barnaby queried the Diversion sign close to Victoria, takes you to Lake View, so if any problem on the New A30 they use the Old A30 which needs removing as it is causing confusion.


Discussion on HWRC Lanivet Ð Review of experimental One-Way System:- It was resolved to support a permanent arrangement, but careful consideration is given to the signage concerns that Councillor A. Barnaby noted, as noted above (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor D. Austin) Action: Clerk.



Clerk/Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


























Cllr. Miss P. Bolton












Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic Coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Lanivet Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.

Councillor Miss P. Bolton declared a non-registerable interest in respect of the following planning application:-

PA20/10637 Ð Steven and Charlotte Waddell and Hopkins Ð Prior approval for the proposed change of use of an agricultural building to a single dwelling house and associated building operations, Tregarthen, Nanstallon Ð Parish Council to go with Cornwall Councils Officers recommendations on this application (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor S. Jennings)


PA21/00146 Ð Mrs. Julie Burdon, Lanivet Parish Council Ð Application for works to trees subjection to a tree preservation order as detailed within submitted tree survey action analysis, Lanivet Village Green and Adjacent Graveyard, Truro Road, Lanivet Ð Support (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)


Planning Results:-

PA20/09734 Ð Mrs. Karen Nederpel Ð Works to trees covered by a Tree Preservation Order namely T17 Common Spruce and T18 Common Spruce to fell due to excessive shading, excessive height and low amenity value, The Rectory, Lanivet Ð Approved


PA20/09480 Ð Ms. Keat Ð Construct a single storey pitched roof extension to provide two further bedrooms and a bathroom to the end of the bungalow, Court Meadow, St. Lawrence, Bodmin Ð Approved





















Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for January 2021 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy): - 

South West Drains


Drain Clearance Ð Toilets

P. Old


Christmas Tree

British Gas Ð Electric for Toilets


10/11/20 Ð 6/12/20

Lloyds Bank Ð Bank Charges


January 2021

The Lawn Ranger - Grasscutting


December 2020

DMC IT Ð Website Maintenance


December 2020

Paul Bazeley Window Cleaning


Shelters December 2020

AJH Services Ð Toilet Cleaning


January 2021

Complete Business Solutions



Mrs. J. Burdon


Salary & Expenses

CC Pension Scheme


December 2020

Inland Revenue


December 2020

Receipt:- HMRC Ð Vat Refund


Up to December 2020










Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- Chairman reported this project is that the Clann House owner will be happy to discuss outstanding issues with the Working Party and CCLT, dates to be decided in due course. He wrote to Clann House before Christmas and he had a very nice response from them.  An online meeting has been arranged with the owner of Clann House and CCLT for next week.  He is quite keen that things are progressing, and he is hoping some agreement can be arranged to move forward.



Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Mr. D. Carter sent a report as follows:-


Firstly, the One For All Community Centre  - The lock down is here again the hall and sports areas are closed, although, complying with all regulations, the necessary risk assessments having been carried out, the Hall is still considered Covid-19 secure, and will be available as soon as restrictions are lifted.  Building work on the new cafŽ training room is still at the same stage, the foundations, floor slab and all underground drainage and associated pipework is complete. Because of the lock down it has been decided to pause work until we can see a clear picture of the future, However we are ready to go with most things in place.


Secondly Covid 19 - The following lines are mainly relying on the old ÒCut & PasteÓ with not much change. In this new Lock Down period Barry Cornelius and his team are continuing with their efforts working in conjunction with the local shop & surgeries, deliveries and collections prescriptions and other requirements are still on a daily service. Transport to hospital appointments is increasing. All this is still free to residents of Lanivet Parish, however occasionally we do get called upon to support other areas and for this there is a small charge. We are constantly in discussions with the two main surgeries and relevant governmental departments planning and preparing for future eventualities. Brighter news is that we are transporting people to get their Covid Jabs in increasing numbers.



Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported as per email circulated as follows:-  Agenda was sent out to all Parish members prior to the meeting. Below is a brief summary from my own notes following the meeting this morning.

Police up-date. Report already circulated. The police are following up Covid breeches, approximately 20 per day at the moment.


Community Emergency Plans. Presentation by Joe Bischler, Resilience & Emergency Management Officer. Based on Plan from Looe. Very useful information and comprehensive report, which will be circulated via the community link officer. The scheme shown is considered to be one of the best around. Covid has prompted people to think about emergency planning. This was something we looked at within the Parish some time ago and might be something we need to re-visit.


Installation of Rapid Electric Vehicle Chargers. Presentation by James Peck, Business Development Manager, Communities and Public Protection. This is proposed for Berrycombe Road Car Park. 2 spaces for rapid charging. Priority for taxis. One space dedicated for taxi, the second space for general use. 30 minutes to charge. £8 per charge plus car park fee. Fits in with Government scheme. Town Council raised point that Priory Car Park would fit better with town plans. James took this on board and will report back to the Town Council. There is an aim to have 360 of these points by 2023.


Highways Scheme up-date. Document was attached via the Clerk with information about the CNP Meeting. Sarah Sims and Rachel Tatlow provided a brief up-date. As a network we have £61 pounds left. Many of the schemes have been completed, and some are in progress, including the Lanivet scheme. Questions were raised by Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters about the gritting of rural roads during the spell of icy conditions resulting in a number of accidents. Rachel Tatlow will investigate about provision of grit containers and provide information on what can be done to improve systems. 


Update from Cabinet Member and CLT representative. Councillor Geoff Brown, portfolio holder for Transport and Nigel Blackler, Service Director, Transport and Infrastructure. Information of Covid, bad news about the R rate in Cornwall 1.2 -1.5 and rising. NHS is still on target to complete vaccinations of priority groups by mid-February. Issue also raised about development of devolution for Bodmin. This will affect the parishes, and the Town Council welcomes representatives for the Parish Council to attend appropriate Town Council meetings. Information would be on the Town Council web site.


Bodmin Town Council gave information of planned green space in the town centre, commented on the success of the Priory Road Skate Park, which has remained open. raised the point about the need to work with parishes to improve connectivity.


Cornwall Councillor Pat Rogerson reported that more children are in school during this lockdown. Funding is available for help to families during this lockdown. Families will be identified through various agencies.


The Community Emergency Plans may be something the Parish may want to re-look at this again.  There are quite a few available from various rural parishes, there have been an up-surge of Parishes looking at Community Emergency Plans.


Highways Schemes Ð Lanivet Scheme is still going through but she does not have a date of when this will happen. 

The downside is that it has been very successful, but they do not enough funds now to take on any new items.


One of the points that Cornwall Councillor C. Batters had made was about the Community Centre and thanks were expressed to Barry Cornelius and his team for all the hard work they have been carrying out during the pandemic.


Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported that Barry Cornelius and his team have been setting the way and he has reported this at various meetings.  He has now come across £200 left remaining in his community fund.  He has ordered this to be donated today to the Lanivet Support Group as it has cost them about £100 a month for the electric cars and they are covering 17 parishes in the area.  Emergency Plan Ð He recalls it originally being raised and he believes the community work very well together, unfortunately it did not get off the ground.  He believes Lanivet will be able to help because of the spirit within the village.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelters:-  Chairman reported the Village Green was cut up very badly on Christmas Eve.  A lorry and trap turned up and proceeded to let a horse cut up the village green.  We have a problem that the village green is common land. There is nothing we can do about it, but it does seem a shame that three individuals with a horse can cause this damage.  It was a Leicester lorry, and he could not understand why it would be there.


Councillor C. Vercoe reported he walked across the village green on Sunday and in the entrance to the small childrenÕs and under the equipment is very muddy.  It is probably being moved more due to the children using more.  He was wondering if we could possibly put rubber matting.  Councillor A. Barnaby reported last year he put bark down Action: Clerk to speak with the Outdoor Play People to find out a cost of matting in these two areas and include on the next agenda.


Lanivet Car Park:-  No update.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.











Camel Trail Update:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported the Camel Trail has been swept of Autumn debris.  As usual it is being well used, possibly even more so with our current lockdown.  Grogley Bridge is still awaiting repair but remains open to pedestrians and cyclists.  No issues to report.



Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any applications for memorials, inscriptions; (b) Concerns from family regarding stones/pebbles on gravespace):- Telephone call received from Wife of gravespace with large white pebbles on as circulated.  It was resolved to confirm the Parish Council are accepting slabs now and they could put the stones on top of it or put a wooden base around with the stones inside, as the stones cannot be left as they are as it prohibits the Parish Council carrying out their work, Parish Councillors are happy to meet on site to explain (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton) Action: Clerk.








Public Conveniences Update:- Chairman reported the drains had been cleared again, he met with the Contractors on site. Councillor A. Barnaby raised the closing times were raised again and it was noted it was closed early.  He has not been back again but will make a visit to check what time they are being closed.



Tree Survey Works required when planning has been approved:- It was resolved to allow delegated powers to the Sub-Committee for grounds, etc., to look at what is the most urgent and come with proposals to a future meeting, Clerk to look at Financial Regulations to establish whether the Parish Council needs to go out to tender (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton) Action: Clerk/Councillors.






Code of Conduct Ð Consultation from Cornwall Council:- Councillors to forward any comments to the Clerk as required Action: Councillors.



To commence reviewing of (a) Review and Approve Risk Management Policy; (b) Review and Approve Standing Orders; (c) Review and Approve the Model Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils; (d) Review and Approve Financial Regulations (Including List of Regular Payments for the year; (e) Review and Approve Statement of Internal Audit; (f) Review of Segregation of Duties; (g) Review and Approval Asset Register:- It was resolved Councillors review documents over the next two months (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton) Action: Councillors/Clerk.


Action: Clerk to amend and check the signatories for the Bank Account and amend accordingly.










Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk reported the Website and Facebook are being updated regularly.   




1.    Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 11th December, 18th December 2020; 8th January; 15th January 2021

2.    Great Western Railway Ð New Timetable and Christmas

3.    Crystal Clear Limited Ð Property Management Company

4.    Office of Police & Crime Commissioner Ð Update on Tier threeÕs visiting Cornwall

5.    CALC Ð CouncilÕs Christmas concern as Covid-19 cases rise across Cornwall

6.    CALC Ð Christmas Update

7.    Cormac Solutions Ð Highways & Environment Update

8.    Great Western Railway Ð Timetable Update

9.    Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Ð Covid Restrictions Ð What you can and cannot do in a Tier 3 Area

10. Great Western Railway Ð Return to GWR

11. Devon & Cornwall Police to pay Special Constables

12. CALC Ð Briefing on new Lockdown

13. CALC Ð Invitation: Wales & West Utilities Regional Stakeholder Workshops Ð January 2021

14. CALC Ð Q&A Session on Facebook Live

15. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Ð Covid-19 Vaccine Text Scam Alert

16. Great Western Railway Ð Timetable Update

17. Bodmin Police Station Ð January Newsletters

18. CALC Ð Briefing Ð Covid in Cornwall and Play Areas Update

19. Cornwall Council Ð Draft Action Notes: Bodmin Community Network Meeting Ð 4th November 2020

20. CALC Ð SLCC Smaller Councils Meeting

21. CALC Ð Job Vacancies

22. Cornwall Council Ð Virtual Councillor Fair Ð Online Event Ð Saturday 16th January 2021 at 10am

23. CALC Ð Local Elections to go ahead Ð Statement by the House of Commons, Government has confirmed the current elections in England will go ahead as planned in May 2021

24. Cornwall Council Ð Localism Strategy Launch Ð Microsoft Teams Meeting to be held on Monday 25th January at 10am

25. CALC Ð Briefing on Meetings and Gatherings

26. Cornwall Council Ð Bodmin Community Network Meeting to be held on Wednesday 20th January 2021 9.30am-11.00am on Microsoft Teams

27. Great Western Railway Ð Customer and Stakeholder Report for 2019/20

28. Ocean Group Stakeholder Survey 2020

29. CALC Ð Cornwall Council Par Parks

30. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Ð Facebook Live Meeting 12.30pm Tuesday 19th January 2021

31. Cornwall Council Ð Bodmin CNP Police Report

32. Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine

33. Great British Railway Ð Timetable Changes from 25th January 2021

34. CALC Ð Land Registry & Localism Strategy Launch Meeting to be held on Monday 25th January 2021 on Microsoft Teams at 10.00am

35. Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner Ð G7 Press Release



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):-  Councillors Mrs. J. Dent and Miss P. Bolton would like to give thanks, recognition and gratitude to Margaret and  Steve Swadling, Dawn Roberts and Sue Allwood who do an excellent job of litter picking in the village of Nanstallon. They go wider than this as well and do not ask for any support and it is appreciated by all and they would like this recognised in the Parish Council Minutes  (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton)



Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday 18th February 2021 at 7.00pm either on-line or by email, whatever is confirmed by the Government.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.30pm.







Date:        18th February 2021