
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. O. Sleeman



Cllr. Miss P. Bolton

Cllr. Mrs. J. Dent

Cllr. S. Walker


Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters







Public Forum:-  None.



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:- Councillor S. Walker declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Village Newsletter.

Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet School Governor.

Councillor D. Carter declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust and Lanivet United Charity Trust.

Councillor Ms. P. Bolton declared a non-registerable interest in PA20/03421 Ð Miss Megan UrellÕs planning application.



Apologies:- Councillors T. Hancock, Mrs. J. Stickland, A. Harris, Mrs. C. Eddy, C. Vercoe, A. Barnaby, D. Carter



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 16th April 2020:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on the 16th April 2020 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and to be duly signed and ratified by the Chairman at a future meeting (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent)



Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 16th April 2020:-


Page 1 Min.53/20 Yurt at Nanstallon:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters advised this had been reported, however, no Officers are currently going out on site, so it will be actioned in due course Action: Keep Pending.


Page 1 Min.54/20 Public Liability Insurance Cover:- Clerk reported she had received a response from the Internal Auditor advising this is not something he could advise on other than it is a legal requirement.  He does know that most Councils he deals with have either £10 or £15 millionÕs worth of cover.  Clerk reported she had sent an email to CALC and was waiting for a response Action: Keep Pending.


Page 1 Min.56/20 S137 Funding to Assist Meals on Wheels:-  Chairman reported that after speaking with Barry Cornelius to date he has not incurred any costs.  He has reminded him that the offer of a grant is available.  He is wondering if the Parish Council could use some to help fund a Parish Get Together/Celebration when the lock down is over, which could be justified to Auditors on the basis of the better mental health of all parishioners.



Page 3 Min.72/20 S137 Active to Health Care:-  Councillor O. Sleeman reported there was no update.



Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters












Monthly Report from Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters:- Email report received and circulated from Cornwall Councillor C. Batters as follows:-


Lanivet Gateway Improvement  & VAS Sign You are aware of this application being made to the Bodmin Network Team. The plan was sent to members of the Network team for their support or otherwise, and although not all responded the numbers were sufficient and the scheme was passed with Councillor D. Batten voting in favour of the plan as the Lanivet representative.  The plan did have to return to Cormac for a final increase costing figure to be arrived at and this final figure ended at £59,160. This scheme has now been signed off and will in due course take place. 


Covid-19 I have been quite busy dealing with questions and concerns from the public, ranging from the expected Covid-19 rules and regulations including 2nd home owners sneaking into their properties, but generally the influx of visitors is still being controlled well by the Police and the Cornwall Council teams. Policing of the county will still continue to a high level and any member of the public wishing to report any of the rules being broken or any other concerns can do so by going onto the Covid-19 website on Cornwall Council. Monitoring will take place by Cornwall Council Teams and the Police, and anyone travelling to Cornwall for a day out with plans to remain here, will be strongly advised by the Police to return home at the end of the day. The advertised mass gathering on Fistral and Porth beaches for this coming Saturday 16th at 12 Noon has been highlighted and will receive maximum attention to ensure such gatherings do not take place. The Newquay gathering is one of several that have been advertised by a group calling themselves the  'UK Freedom Movement' and it appears was advertised surprisingly in the Daily Mail as having nine such mass rallies in Newquay/Plymouth/Barnstaple/ Cardiff/Southampton/London/Nottingham/Sheffield and Edinburgh.


Government Business Grants To date Cornwall Council has paid out over £210 million to Cornish businesses.  I unfortunately do not have the total up to date number, but such has been the speed of the payments being made by Cornwall Council to businesses, that Cornwall Council has been recognised in writing by the Government department for their speedy service. Surprisingly there are still in the region of 5,000 businesses that have not as yet applied for the grants.


Transport Subject to facts and figures over the coming weeks, the next planned changes are 18th May - Rail services will be increased back to 60% service; 1st June - Strategy relaxing with Bus numbers increasing (at present 50%). All of these changes will include strict social distancing measures, and the expectation that these rules will be complied with. 4th July - further relaxing measures may be announced dependent on the progress of the Virus.


Latest Official Covid-19 Figures for Cornwall The cumulative number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly stands at 561 as at 18th May 2020 which is a rate of (7.8 per 100,000). Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly has the fourth lowest rate of cases of all upper tier Councils in England. 

174 Covid19 deaths have been recorded across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly (28th December 2019 to 8th May 2020) accounting for 7% of all deaths over that period.


Think Twice Campaign The campaign aimed at deterring people from driving to Cornwall. The message being if you drive here you must return home at the end of the day. This campaign in working well with both Cornwall Council Teams and the Police operating together. Think twice about bathing in the sea as there is no Lifeguard cover in the County.  Cornwall Council is working very closely with 'Visit Cornwall' and other similar parties.  Alleged breach of holiday homes, holiday accommodation and second homes will continue to be monitored and investigated as and when any are reported by the Councils Enforcement Teams who are available and working seven days a week.  Second Homes and Camping issues will come under Police investigation. Anyone suspecting any breaches of this wort can easily report their suspicions in confidence on the Cornwall Council website Covid-19 email. This campaign has been extremely successful.


Care Homes Any concerns, issues or enquiries concerning Care Homes or Care Home residents can be again followed through on the Cornwall Council website.


Coronavirus Testing and Tracing Update Anyone in Cornwall who is showing coronavirus symptoms can book a swab test to find out if they have the virus. People can register for a test at - Those without access to the internet or have difficulty with the digital portal will be able to ring a new 119 service to book their swab test.


If anyone has any problems in connection with the above please feel free to contact me direct on the below contact numbers.  I can assure you that, as always I am available to speak to if you have any problems with matters that are covered by Cornwall Council, or if there are any issues outside of Cornwall Council that you think I may be able to assist you with. If anything I am working harder than usual during this extraordinary period, but of course from home, and today for example I have three virtual meetings and each day has at least two, so everything is being dealt with. 


Councillor O. Sleeman reported at the moment there is a system of planning for an earlier second spike.  Because of new policy where restrictions have been lifted and more people travelling, they are possibly anticipating a second spike around August time and he believes holding meetings again is not the way to go forward at this stage for the safety of everyone.  It was agreed the Clerk sends a message with the minutes to Councillors to ask if they would possibly be receptive to receive a Council piece of equipment to be able to hold a meeting online.  He also said he would be very happy to assist any Councillors in setting up Zoom or Skype and accessing meetings Action: Clerk.  


Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for his monthly report.





































































Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish:-



Highway Issues:- Chairman and Councillor S. Walker both commented on the re-opening of the Recycling Centre.  Cormac have implemented a one-way system of entry along the very lines the Parish Council have been asking for some 10 years or more. They would like to see this ÒtemporaryÓ arrangement made permanent.  It was resolved to email Cornwall Councillor C. Batters asking why this has happened overnight without anyone being consulted for him to follow up on our behalf, Chairman agreed to action this request (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent) Action: Chairman.


Clerk commented that Councillor C. Vercoe reported opposite the entrance to the Nanstallon Sewage Treatment Works there is a very large tree that is dead, it seems to have been for some time and he believes it should come down as a matter of urgency as it could soon be a danger to the public.  It was resolved to forward to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton) Action: Clerk.


Footpaths:-  Clerk reported on Max SimpsonÕs invoice for footpath trimming and how long it has initially taken him to locate and walk all footpaths on the lists provided by Cornwall Council, which hopefully on the next seasonÕs trimming will now be greatly reduced.  It was agreed to maximise the footpaths and request Max Simpson to continue as per this year and to request an estimate for next yearÕs trimming in advance Action: Clerk.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  No Update.





















Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  


Clerk reported that proposals for planning applications will be sent with the following statement:-  Due to the restrictions placed on the Parish Council as a result of the pandemic Coronavirus, this response represents the opinion of Members of Withiel Parish Council identified through a consultation process and will be ratified at the next appropriate meeting of the Parish Council.


PA20/01468 Ð Mrs. Fiona Rowles-Jane Ð Conversion and re-use of barns as 8 dwellings together with associated access and parking provision without compliance with Condition 2 of PA12/06976 (for The Old Mill House only), The Old Mill House, Tremore Farm, Lanivet Ð Cannot find information on-line as planning reference is incorrect, Clerk to request correct planning reference and then recirculate to Councillors, if all else fails we will go along with the Planning OfficerÕs recommendations  (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker)


PA20/03534 Ð Mr. & Mrs. Neville Ð Construction of single storey extension to create kitchen/diner with associated external remodelling, Gold Bank Cottage, Chapel Road, Nanstallon Ð Support (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent)


Councillor Ms. P. Bolton declared a non-registerable interest in respect of the following planning application and abstained from the discussion and vote:-



PA20/03421 Ð Miss Megan Urell Ð Variation of Condition 2 (Approved Plans) to Application No. PA19/00663 dated 10th April 2019 for the Construction of a 3 bedroom house (Condition Ð At the point of commissioning the technical design it became apparent to the applicant that the initial design of internal layout and overall dimensions were not conductive to construction or the living and working requirements of the applicant.  More details design brief has been undertaken and more detail is now available as to overall design, layout and external finishing. The resulting design is slightly higher due to an increase in roof pitch more commensurate with local design styles and proportions and in the interest of improved runoff and functionality. The building design is slightly longer to provide the necessary accommodation. This is to compensate for a reduced ground floor area which has been reduced in width to allow natural southern light to be introduced to the ground floor and avoid burying the ground floor south elevation into the slope of the site, thereby avoiding higher costs associated with retaining structures. External materials are also consistent with the rural location and agricultural style of the existing agricultural buildings, Happy for the existing condition wording to remain unchanged but make reference to the updated designs enclosed with this application, Land North of The Forge, Nanstallon Ð It was resolved to go along with the Planning OfficerÕs recommendations (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten)


Email received from Sue Walters of Situ8 in respect of the following application advising the proposal does not involve any building works from an external perspective, it only relates to the internal creation of a one bedroom flat.  The applicant already has  tenants  (a young working couple)  and there have been no objections from neighbours.  He has advised the neighbours on either side of property. They are of the view it is no different than if the applicant has his whole family living under one roof.  Each unit has its own parking and amenity separate from each other and there are no external alterations:-

PA20/03439 Ð Mr. & Mrs. Giles Pearson Ð Retention of the Subdivision of an existing house to create a single self-contained dwelling-house with parking and amenity, Lower Great View, Clann Lane, Lanivet Ð Support (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent)


Planning Results Received:- 


PA20/00979 Ð Mr. Roger Sandoe Ð Extension to existing building, Land East of Cotton Hill, Nanstallon Ð  Approved


PA20/01242 Ð Mr. J. Tonkin-Couch Ð Proposed construction of an extension to the side and rear of the existing dwelling plus the erection of a detached garage, Brake View, Truro Road, Lanivet Ð  Approved


PA20/01582 Ð Mrs. Julie Burdon Ð Proposed single storey side extension to the existing community centre, The One For All Lanivet Parish Community Centre, Carters Parc, Rectory Road, Lanivet Ð  Approved


PA20/01647 Ð Mr. & Mrs. J. Orchard Ð Change of use to residential and alterations, The Mill, Lanivet Ð  Approved



PA20/01649 Ð Mr. & Mrs. J. Orchard Ð Listed Building Consent for change of use to residential and alterations, The Mill, Lanivet Ð  Approved


PA20/06328 Ð Mr. S.P. Slater Ð Outline application with all matters reserved for the erection of three dwellings, 2 Lamorrick Cottages, Old Coach Road, Lanivet - Approved


PA20/01722 Ð Mrs. Shelley Ð To erect a white PVCU framed conservatory, Badgers Hold, Nanstallon Ð  Approved


PA20/01958 Ð Mr. Rob Brebner Ð Prior Approval for Larger Home Extension to construct a single storey bedroom and shower room, The Retreat, Nanstallon Ð  Prior approval not required (AF/TEL/DEM)


Planning Correspondence Received:-  Clerk reported the following had been received for information only:-

PA20/00839/PREAPP Ð Mr. T. Orchard Ð Pre-application advice for change of use of land to a private gypsy/traveller site comprising of 2 pitches with associated works including 2 mobile homes, 2 touring caravans and 2 day rooms, Land North of Higher Rosewarrick, Lanivet.  Councillor S. Walker expressed concerns that there is already someone occupying this site and concerns were raised to enforcement.  It was agreed to monitor the situation and contact Cornwall Councillor C. Batters if needs be.


PA19/10194 Ð Mr. Thomas Ð Outline planning for the construction of 2 dwellings with all matters reserved, Fenwick House, Dunmere, Bodmin advising the appeal has been made to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government.


Cornwall Councillor C. Batters left the meeting at 7.40pm.











































Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations (Including Payment for LMP Footpath Trimming of £788.00):- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for May 2020 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton): - 

AJH Services Ð Toilet Cleaning


April 2020

The Lawn Ranger


Spraying Graves

Duchy CemeteryÕs Limited



Rospa Play Safety Limited


Annual Inspection

British Gas Ð Electric for Toilets


7/3/20 Ð 7/4/20

Paul Bazeley Window Cleaning


Bus Shelters Ð April 2020

Complete Weed Control


Weed Treatment

The Lawn Ranger Ð Grasscutting


May 2020

DMC IT Ð Website Maintenance


April 2020

Lloyds Bank


Bank Service Charge

AJH Services Ð Toilet Cleaning


May 2020

Mrs. J. Burdon


Salary & Expenses

CC Pension Scheme


April 2020

Inland Revenue


April 2020

Max Simpson


Footpath Trimming

South West Water Ð Toilet Water



Receipt: HMRC Ð VAT Claims


For 31/3/20 & April 2020

Councillor S. Walker had spoken with The Lawn Ranger, after consultation with the Chairman in respect of cutting the grass triangle and noted he had charged us £40.00 for doing it previously as assume hopefully that he would do it in the future for the same amount. It was agreed to ask The Lawn Ranger to cut the grass triangle in Lanivet at a cost of £40.00 per cut, when carrying out other work, until further notice (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten) Action: Clerk to requests he carries out once per month.






















Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update from Chairman:- Councillor D. Batten reported there was no update.



Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Councillor D. Carter reported via email as follows:-


Firstly the One For All The Community Centre has been shut since Lock Down with no indoor or outdoor activity taking place. However, the hall is being made available for the production of ÒscrubsÓ and the Blood Transfusion services may start to operate from there.

Bearing in mind the need to maintain the facilities for the future all necessary procedures are in place.

As mentioned, the building is being maintained and volunteers are keeping the outside areas in a good and tidy condition. During the shutdown we have a decorator starting to decorate the rooms so that the building can be kept in tip top condition. Although this is being paid for from reserves it is believed to be important.

To insure all the sports and exercise areas are in order ready to resume activity we have discussed with Sport England the possibility of funding the cost of verti draining and fertilizing the playing areas and cleaning the MUGA surface, these discussions have been successful and we have been awarded £6000 toward the upkeep of all sporting and exercise facilities during shut down.

To insure all the sports and exercise areas are in order ready to resume activity we have discussed with Sport England the possibility of funding the cost of verti draining and fertilizing the playing areas and cleaning the MUGA surface, these discussions have been successful and we have been awarded £6000 toward the upkeep of all sporting and exercise facilities during shut down.

We are working hard to acquire more funds to help us through this difficult period, this is becoming a full-time job, but we believe we again may be successful, we would like to come through this difficult period in a strong position for the future.

The applications I submitted for funds toward the CafŽ extension which is still pending is through the first stage but is held pending by the Big Lottery for six months during the present epidemic.

The further application, which was subject to planning permission being current, will be held back because of the current situation even though planning permission is now granted.

Secondly Covid-19 Lock Down Barry Cornelius and his team of volunteers are still organising transport, deliveries and pickups using the Age UK minibus based at the Community Centre together with private cars.

This covers a wide area with groceries and supplies from the local SPAR shop who organise the packages delivering to anywhere including isolated and vulnerable people not just within the parish, This work is ongoing 7 days a week, so the Community Centre may be closed but the benefits to the residents of the parish and surrounding area goes on.

Chairman agreed this was all very encouraging and great to see that Councillor D. Carter and the whole team of volunteers has achieved a sum of £6,000 revenue and this was an excellent report.  Thanks to all involved and Councillor D. Carter for keeping the hall looking nice and the surrounding ground.







































Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported by email that no meetings have taken place, but she did receive information from Sarah Sims that the Lanivet Highways Scheme has been approved, but no dates given on commencement yet, and the Tour of Britain has been postponed, and will take place in Cornwall next year.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelter:-  Chairman and Clerk reported the Rospa Annual Play Safety Report had been received and circulated.  Chairman reported he has put another notice up advising the play equipment cannot be used.


Play Equipment:- Clerk reported that Councillor T. Hancock continues to check the equipment on a regular basis.


Lanivet Car Park:-  No update.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.




Camel Trail Update:- Councillor Miss P. Bolton reported there was no update.



Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any applications for memorials, inscriptions; (b) Discussion regarding recent Burial Fees for local parishioner who has carried out Grasscutting Free of Charge for the Parish Council for many years):- Clerk reported on the cost of a gravespace for the late Mr. Cecil Williams which had been received.  Councillor S. Walker reported that Cecil Williams maintained the cemetery in Lanivet for many years and he proposed the Parish Council waives the cost of the plot, but obviously not the grave digging, writing to the family stating that having considered how much work Cecil Williams has done for the Parish confirming this for the plot, extending our thanks to Cecil Williams for all the hard work that was carried out over the years.  Councillor S. Walker reported there will be something written up in the next newsletter (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten) Action: Clerk. 


Burial Plot for Ashes internment Ð It was resolved to allow a full gravespace for ashes, as agreed by email between meetings (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten) Action: Clerk. 














Public Conveniences Update:-  Clerk reported the following had been discussed during the month and it was agreed the following needs to be arranged as soon as possible:-

  1. Plumber needs to clear or replace drainage pipes to MenÕs urinals;
  2. Maintain current locking conditions for disabled toilets since the Radar system can be abused, thus reducing security levels;
  3. Plumber to supply and fit self-closing tap in Disabled Toilets;
  4. New Meter with an isolator tap to be supplied.


Councillor S. Walker agreed that a Plumber could carry out number 1 and 3 as soon as possible.  With regards to the lock on the disabled toilet his recommendation would be to leave things are they are. There is a downside to fitting a disabled lock, under the radar scheme anybody with a key can access the toilet any time of the day or night and anybody can buy a key for a couple of pounds, they are freely available online.  As all of the damage we have had could just as easily have been caused by ÒdisabledÓ people, he could not see that would improve things that much and would it justify the expense? He also believes it would be good to ask South West Water to replace the meter if and when it is possible, as we still have the issue of it being hard to get an accurate reading and do not appear to have a stop tap to isolate the whole system.


Clerk reported that AJH Services had messaged today to say she had to plunge all the toilets at Lanivet and thinks there may be a blockage somewhere in the drains.  She wanted to know if the Parish Council wanted them open until this has been resolved. Clerk reported the drains had only been cleared in March 2020.  It was resolved the Clerk arranges for clearance of the drainÕs tomorrow, Councillor S. Walker advised he would be happy to meet them on site, and to also request that AJH Services keeps them open and monitor and use her judgement and report back if needed (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten) Action: Clerk.


It was resolved to action as above (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten) Action: Clerk.

























To (a) Review and Approve Risk Management Policy; (b) Review and Approve Standing Orders; (c) Review and Approve the Model Code of Conduct for Parish and Town Councils; (d) Review and Approve Financial Regulations (Including List of Regular Payments for the year; (e) Review and Approve Statement of Internal Audit; (f) Review of Segregation of Duties; (g) Review and Approval Asset Register (All as per emailed and same as last year):-  It was resolved to accept all as set out and circulated and await any comments from the Auditor when reviewed (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor Miss P. Bolton) Motion Carried



Approval and Acceptance of additional Notes to Standing Orders for Remote Meetings:-  It was resolved to accept additional notes to Standing Orders as set out and circulated (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor O. Sleeman) Motion Carried



Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Councillor S. Walker reported  the newsletter will be going out for the 1st of the month, mainly electronically on Facebook, Website, etc but the Editor will be printing a few copies to put in the Shop and Post Office, hopefully about 50.  If there is anyone who cannot get hold of a copy, they are more than welcome to contact the Editor and she would get a copy to them.


Clerk reported the Website is being updated regular and Facebook is proving to be a really good platform for getting messages out to the local community.  


If any Councillors have any information they wish to be included to forward on to the Clerk please.




1.    Cornwall Council Ð Core Briefing for Members

2.    Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 17th April 2020

3.    Cornwall Council Ð Occupational Health Wellbeing Services

4.    Citizens Advice Cornwall Update

5.    Mark Silverman - Cornwall Trailblazers Fundraising Single Request

6.    Came & Company Ð Read the latest insights from Came & Company Local Council Insurance

7.    Cornwall County Choirs Ð ÒCornwall My HomeÓ Ð Virtual Choir Performance by Cornwall County Choirs

8.    Cornwall Council Ð Voluntary and Community Sector Covid-19 Update Ð 24th April 2020

9.    CALC Ð Agar Requirements for Parish Meetings

10. CALC Ð Guidance on Standing Order Changes for Virtual Meetings and FAQ 8

11. Cornwall Council Ð Voluntary and Community Sector Covid-19 Update Ð 1st May 2020

12. Cornwall Council Ð Planning News for Local Councils and Agents Ð Spring 2020 Quarterly Newsletter

13. Nichola Sherriff Ð PPE Donations and Distribution to Frontline Workers

14. PKF Littlejohn LLP Ð 2019/2020 Limited Assurance Reporting Season

15. PKF Littlejohn LLP Ð 2019-2020 Agar Instructions Ð External Audit

16. CALC Ð Top Tips

17. CALC Ð Agar Requirements for Parish Meetings

18. CALC Ð Guidance on Standing Order Changes for Virtual Meetings and FAQ 8

19. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 7th May 2020

20. Cornwall Council Ð Sarah Sims Ð Core Briefing for Members

21. Great Western Railway Ð Update on Timetable Changes

22. CALC Ð Briefing FAQ9 Ð Virtual Meetings and Audit

23. Cornwall Council Pensions Ð Employer Newsletter Ð May 2020

24. Cornwall Council Pensions Ð LGA LGPS Employer Coronavirus Zoom Webinar

25. Cornwall Community Flood Forum Ð South West Property Flood Resilience Pathfinder: Property Flood Resilience Awareness Questionnaire

26. Cornwall Council Ð Town and Parish Council Covid-19 Update Ð 15th May 2020

27. Cormac Ð Section 278 Works at Dunmere

28. Barry Cornelius Ð Covid-19 Update on the Outdoor Court

29. Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):-  Councillor S. Walker and Chairman reported that Peter Old put a tower for VE Day Celebrations.  It was resolved to send a letter to Peter Old thanking him for putting up a Memorial for the day, especially as there was nothing the Parish Council could do in light of the current situation (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor D. Batten) Action: Clerk.






Date of Next Meeting:- Thursday 18th June 2020 at 7.00pm either on-line or by email, whatever is confirmed by the Government. 


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.07pm.







Date:        18th June 2020