
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. A. Harris

Cllr. D. Williams


Cllr. Mrs. J. Stickland

Cllr. C. Vercoe

Cllr. T. Hancock


Cllr. A. Barnaby

Cllr. Mrs. H. Akehurst






Public Forum:- None.



Apologies:- Councillors Miss P.  Bolton, S. Jennings, D. Austin, T. Grose, Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:-  Councillors D. Batten and A. Harris declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust.

Councillors D. Williams, A. Harris and Mrs. J. Stickland declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Charities.





Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Thursday 10th November 2022:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on the 10th November 2022 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock)




Matters Arising from the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Thursday 10th November 2022:-


Page 1 Min.91/22 Annual Insurance Premium:- Clerk to research in the New Year Action: Clerk to research over the next few months.


Page 1 Min.209/22 Sign for Cemetery:- Clerk reported relevant details had been sent off for a quotation, and followed up again for a response Action: Keep Pending.


Page 3 Min. 239/20 Planning Application for Pre-School:- Response received from Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse as follows Ð There is a way to progress the application regarding the phosphates issue and that is you are ÔrelocatingÕ the pre-school from one building to another. In other words, there is no increase in the toilet/water capacity. As the toilets and basins were used by the pre-school at the Church Hall they will simply be replaced in ÔcapacityÕ by the new building in which case there is not increase in phosphate delivery. Unfortunately, this cannot be used to progress the affordable housing plans, but she believes the calculator will be ready in a couple of weeks.







Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report (Including Youth Provision Review):-  Apologies received from Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse and report sent as follows:-  

á         Firstly, many thanks to the Chairman for organising the Christmas Dinner, great evening and good to see so many Councillors there.

á         Nanstallon Chapel Trust had a meeting with our Prosperity Portfolio holder, and he gave some good advice about the Shared Prosperity Fund bid.

An expression of interest has already been submitted and I have sent several emails to the Officers explaining the urgency of the situation. There have been over 600 applications so the Trust have a hard task, but I am fully supportive and will do all I can. Getting the Portfolio Holder along to see the project will have helped. In the meantime, please support all their fundraising events, although SPF is not match funded it does help to have funds already in place.

á         Highways have repaired the 30mph sign at Lamorrick, but appear not to have repaired the wall, having spoken to Rachel Tatlow of Cormac this will happen, and please let me know if it is still not repaired.

á         I have joined in with the Bodmin Tidy it Team a couple of times and they have their bags picked up by Biffa and I understand this is booked online. They also have been supplied with specialist equipment if you need extra equipment let me know and I will chase that for you. Also let me know of litter pick dates and will try and help. (As long as Sonny can come too).

á         A motion was passed at last Full Council to put more pressure on South West Water to improve water quality and I visited Scarlet Well earlier this month and am pushing to visit Nanstallon to talk about improvements and how they intend to cope with the increased pressure of housebuilding in the area.

á         The Camel SAC calculator is due to be signed off next week, which will enable planning applications to be determined. I have had a discussion with Jessica about the pre-school and her plans will not be affected as the school is relocating. Also, just a reminder to Parish Council that any CIL funds that have been allocated have a 5-year time limit for spend. I know that some Parish Councils were not aware of this, so just making sure that Lanivet know.

á         Cabinet meets next week, and I understand we have some good news regarding the Budget and second home council tax.

á         I wish you all a very Happy and peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

á         Youth Provision Review Ð letter received.

á         Chairman reported on Cornwall CouncilÕs budget and noted a 4.99% increase next year. He suggested Councillors to review the slides received and that he was quite impressed with how they have dealt with this.

á         Chairman expressed comments on how hard Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse and thank her for her sterling efforts and support in what she has dealt with and achieved since taking the role on.

Chairman thanked Clerk for circulating Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. CruseÕs report.



Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish (Including Waste Bins for Lanivet and Nanstallon):- Chairman reported the Bid as discussed at the last meeting has been submitted to the Community Network Panel.


Highway Issues:- Councillor A. Barnaby approached Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse regarding a flooding issue at Lamorick, all is in hand.


Footpaths:- None.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  None.


Waste Bins for Lanivet and Nanstallon:- Clerk reported that Donna Latham is dealing directly with Councillors Mrs. H. Akehurst and Miss P. Bolton with regards to locations Action: Keep Pending.














Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  

Planning Applications:-

PA22/09868 Ð Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Ð Application to determine if prior approval is required for a proposed: Change of use of Agricultural buildings to dwellinghouses (Use Class C3), Avalen Farm, Fenton Pitts, Bodmin Ð Parish Council to go with Cornwall Councils Planning Officers recommendations on this application (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor C. Vercoe)


PA22/09671 Ð Park Holidays UK Limited Ð Variation of Conditions 2 (approved plans) and 9 of Application No. PA10/05936 dated 25th November 2010 (Extension of time for the erection of 105 room Distinction Spa Hotel and 36 golf lodges, related landscaping and water management (in lieu of determined application for hotel and major leisure facilities, approved on 9th September 2008), Land at Bodmin Holiday Park, Formerly Lakeview Country Club, Lanivet Ð Parish Council to go with Cornwall Councils Planning Officers recommendations on this application (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland; Seconded: Councillor D. Williams)


PA22/10769 Ð Steve Waddell & Charlotte Hopkins Ð Non-Material Amendment (1) to Application No. PA22/00634 dated 23rd May 2022 for Permanent residential cottage to replace two no holiday use restricted cottages as approved under enacted planning permission PA11/00856, namely, changes to approved external stonework and cladding, Tregarthen Cottages, Nanstallon Ð Next Agenda, Extension of Time Requested


PA22/10776 Ð Mr. & Mrs. Cooper Ð Non-Material Amendment (1) to Application No. PA22/03304 dated 30th May 2022 for Proposed side extension infill, replacing existing conservatory, namely continue existing main dwelling throughout extension thus reducing ridge height, Morwenna, Nanstallon Ð Extension of Time requested and response received advising this planning application is a non-material amendment to existing permission PA22/03304, which seeks to revise minor details to the extant approval. As an application to make a non-material amendment is not an application for planning permission, the existing Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 provisions relating to statutory consultation and publicity do not apply - nonetheless, we notify local councils. Non-material amendments are determined having regard to the effect of the proposed change (i.e. would not result in a detrimental impact either visually or in terms of amenity, not be contrary to any policy, etc.) and must be decided within 28 days from validation, as such, I am unable to agree to an extension of time in this instance.


Planning Results:-

PA22/01604/PRE Ð Mr. Christopher Hardy Ð Pre-application advice for a single dwelling, Land North of Clann House, Lanivet Ð Closed Ð Advice Given


PA22/01710/PRE Ð Rachel Brittain & Laura Bunten Ð Do I need permission for demolition of existing outbuilding, to side of property, to be replaced with a single storey extension with pitched roof. New extension will become the main entrance to the property and comprise of an entrance hallway leading to a utility room and bathroom, 2A Church Road, Lanivet Ð Closed- Advice Given


Planning Correspondence:- None.






















Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for December 2022 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Akehurst)

Mr. D. Williams


Fencemate Spikes

Lanhydrock Garden Services


Tree Removal

Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Duchy Defibrillators Limited


Annual Monitoring Fee

Paul Bazeley Bus Shelters/NoticeB


November 2022

Cedar Croft Nurseries


Christmas Trees

Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Mr. A.J. Barnaby


Combination Lock Ð Toilets

Complete Weed Control


Weed Treatment Cemetery

HCI Data Limited


Email Address Renewal

Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Lloyds Bank Ð Service Charges


December 2022

Jason Bellenger Tree Surveys


Tree Safety Survey

South West Water



The Lawn Ranger Ð Grasscutting


November 2022

Mrs. J. Burdon Salary & Expenses


December 2022

CC Pension Scheme


December 2022

Inland Revenue Ð Income Tax


December 2022

Receipt: Mr. Keith Adams


2 x QueenÕs Jubilee Mugs

Chairman reported on the quotation received for the play equipment and in light of this he has reviewed the budget for the next financial year. Resolved to increase the precept by £1,000 to £56,000 (Proposed: Councillor T. Hancock; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Akehurst) Action: Clerk.






















Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update:- Chairman reported there is good news, along with CCLT Team they met the new owner of Clann House via a Teams Meeting, they have a physical meeting on the 20th  December 2022. Clerk to liaise with Barry Cornelius with regards to a date for a meeting in January and inform Housing Working Party Group members Action: Clerk.





Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelters/Grasscutting (Including (a) Update on the Car Park; (b) Tree Survey Results and Comments):- Clerk reported an update had been received from Outdoor Play People advising on a summary of findings and what works have been carried out so far. It had been agreed we would go along with their findings and have requested costs for repair/replacement. Quote now received. Resolved to obtain additional quotes for steel or powder coated equipment from a couple of other companies, Environment Team to review between now and the next meeting for a proposal for the tender of equipment required. Clerk to liaise with representative from Wicksteed to arrange a meeting on site if possible (Proposed: Councillor T. Hancock; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Akehurst) Action: Clerk/Councillors.


Update on the Car Park:- Chairman reported this item is pending and he would be liaising with the Clerk and putting something on Facebook and the Parish Council Website. He also wants to liaise with Cornwall Council to establish costs Action: Keep Pending.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.

Grasscutting:- Dealt with under closed session.


Tree Survey Results and Comments:- Clerk reported the tree survey had been received and circulated and a copy passed to Councillor A. Barnaby this evening Action: Clerk to follow up with Jason Bellenger regarding the planning application for works on tree next to the Hairdressers, following meeting with Councillor A. Barnaby. Resolved to obtain quotes for works on two stems number 28 on the tree survey, there is no TPO on these (Proposed: Councillor D. Williams; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk.







Clerk/ Cllrs.













Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any applications for memorials, inscriptions; (b) Update on Inspection of Burial Grounds; (c) Update on Purchase of Trees):- No memorial applications received. Trees on Triangle Ð Clerk to inform Rachel Tatlow of trees on Village Green which need tidying and trimming back Action: Clerk.


Inspection of Burial Grounds, health and safety issues:- Clerk reported the inspection has been carried out and paperwork received. Clerk to inform them they appear to have inspected the graveyard and not Lanivet Cemetery Action: Clerk.


Purchase of Trees:- Councillor C. Vercoe reported on company that could arrange for trees to be ordered and delivered. It was noted there was a budget of £500.00 for the trees.








Public Conveniences Update:- Councillor A. Harris commented on how clean the toilets are being kept.



Lanivet Parish Historic Buildings:-


Nanstallon Chapel Update:- Councillor Mrs. H. Akehurst reported Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse will be assisting with them claiming a grant from Cornwall Council.


Lanivet Church:- No update. 





Camel Trail Partnership Update:- Update from Councillor Miss P. Bolton Ð We finally attended a face to face meeting. The gates at Nanstallon are to be renewed between now and April. They will be set a little further back from the road and allow easy access to open and close for all users.  Highways have also been asked to make the road users more aware of the Camel Trail crossing. Polbrock Meadow which was being managed by the Camel Trail Partnership has now been given back to Pencarrow Estate. Next meeting will be in the spring.  Camel Trail Partnership Meeting Notes received from the 16th November 2022 and circulated.



Community Network Panel Meeting Update:- Clerk and Chair reported the next meeting has been moved to next week.



Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Chairman reported Barry Cornelius did not send a report and noted they are hoping to get a Manager in the CafŽ for next year.  He sent a Fuel Poverty and the Cost-of-Living Crisis, and he is asking Councillors to be aware and ask people in need to contact him Action: Clerk to include on Website.





Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk reported Facebook and the Website continue to be updated monthly with various information. Chairman reported on newsletter report in which he did put a piece regarding the Car Park. The Tree is being erected in the Car Park on Saturday at 1.00pm and the lights will be put on Sunday morning to be lit in the evening.




1.    NALC Ð Chief ExecutiveÕs Bulletin

2.    NALC Ð Events

3.    Great Western Railway Ð Rail Strikes

4.    Cornwall Council Ð Time2Move Holiday Programme Ð Christmas 2022

5.    CALC Ð November Civility and Respect Newsletter

6.    CALC Ð Safeguarding Briefing Ð Tuesday 22nd November 2022 10.00am Teams

7.    Cornwall Council Ð Devolution to Cornwall

8.    Gallagher Insurance Ð Cyber Webinar on Wednesday 30th November 2022

9.    NALC Ð Newsletter

10. Gallagher Insurance Ð Community Matters

11. Paul Holden Ð News from Cornish Buildings Group ÒBuildings at RiskÓ Project

12. Cornwall Council Ð Youth Provision Review

13. Sian Lee Ð University of Exeter Research Invitation

14. Wadebridge Town Council Ð Wadebridge Pantomime

15. Cornwall Council Ð Date Change: Community Network Partnership Meeting Ð 13th December 2022, 17.30pm-19.00pm

16. CALC Ð National Tree Week: Forest for Cornwall Event: Thursday 1st December 2022 Ð 11.20am-12.30pm

17. Cornwall Council Ð Neighbourhood Development Plan Survey

18. Cormac Ð Camel Trail Partnership Meeting Notes 16th November 2022

19. Smaller AuthoritiesÕ Audit Appointments Limited Ð Notification of external auditor appointment Ð BDO LLP

20. CALC Ð Safeguarding Meeting Notes

21. Cornwall Council Ð Proud to Care Cornwall

22. Cornwall Council Pension Fund Employer Annual Meeting information

23. Cornwall Council Pensions Ð December 2022 Employer Newsletter

24. Cornwall Council Ð Proposed Cornwall Devolution Deal Update

25. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Newsletter: 2nd December 2022

26. CALC Ð Cornwall Council Budget Update Meeting via Teams on Thursday 8th December 2022 at 11.00am

27. Cornwall Council Ð Severe Weather Emergency Protocol Activation

28. CALC Ð Community Housing Conversations

29. CALC Ð Local Council Finance Slides from briefing on 8th December 2022



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):- Chairman wished everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


Councillor A. Harris reported on Candlelight Service on 19th December 2022 at Lanivet Church at 6.30pm.



Date of Next Meeting and Meetings for 2022:- Thursday 12th January 2023 at 7.00pm to be held in the One for All Lanivet Parish Community Centre.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 8.15pm.







Date:        12th January 2023