
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. D. Austin



Cllr. T. Hancock

Cllr. C. Vercoe

Cllr. D. Williams


Cllr. A. Barnaby

Cllr. Mrs. J. Stickland

Cllr. Miss P. Bolton


Cllr. T. Grose

Cllr. Mrs. H. Akehurst

Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse





Public Forum:- None.



Apologies:- Councillors S. Jennings and A. Harris



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:-  Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust.

Councillors D. Williams and Mrs. J. Stickland declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Charities.

Councillor D. Austin declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Trustee of Lanivet Academy.





Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Thursday 13th October 2022:-  Resolved the Minutes of the Monthly Parish Meeting held on the 13th October 2022 as circulated were confirmed as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock)




Matters Arising from the Monthly Parish Meeting held on Thursday 13th October 2022:-

Page 1 Min.91/22 Annual Insurance Premium:- Clerk to research in the New Year Action: Clerk to research over the next few months.


Page 1 Min.208/22 Slippery Noticeboard Area:- Email from Paul Bazeley in respect of cleaning the noticeboard area suggested jet washing this area every other month, if anyone notices it deteriorating to inform him, the cost for jet washing is £30.00. Resolved to arrange to jet washing every other month (Proposed: Councillor T. Hancock; Seconded: Councillor D. Austin) Action: Clerk.


Page 1 Min.209/22 Sign for Cemetery:- Clerk reported relevant details had been sent off for a quotation Action: Keep Pending.


Previous Minutes - BT Pole:- Email received from Rachael Tatlow advising that BT have confirmed that they are in the process of programming the works; the current expected completion time is 8 weeks.











Monthly Cornwall Councillor Report:-  Report received from Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse as follows:-

á         The community engagement - cycle route and road safety were well attended. It was concluded that I should proceed with an expression of interest requesting a feasibility study for the bike trail and not to create one at this stage.

á         Several residents spoke about the dangerous pathways in the village. The 20 is plenty scheme is not due to be implemented until 2026 as Bodmin is statistically one of the safest areas. Complaints about lorries mounting the pavement to avoid the central island was taken on board and subsequently I have spoken with a Senior Officer regarding this. He has asked for photographic evidence to be sent to him. So please if anyone has photos send them to me and I will pass on. I did suggest a chicane design through the village to slow down traffic. Regarding the 20mph coming to the main A389 this has not been discarded, but certainly will be considered when it is looked at by Highways. I would support a 20mph through the village. Rectory Road would particularly be supported in this scheme.

á         I attended the Appeal for the Gypsy site application at Rosewarick. I could only attend for the morning but spoke briefly in support of the Planning Officers report and the need to preserve a sense of place in the countryside.

á         I attended the Nanstallon Chapel Trust meeting where I spoke about applying for funding through the Shared Prosperity Fund. The Chapel has been registered as a Community Asset. I urged the Trust to start fund raising as soon as possible. I consider this essential to successfully gaining government funding as projects are always viewed favourably if they can match fund. I suggested something similar to the ÔRaise the RoofÕ campaign at Lanivet Church. ÔBuy a BrickÕ being my suggestion. Also, happy to offer some Community Fund money to provide a prize for a Raffle or Christmas Draw.

á         The License application for the Burger Van on the A389 is being heard tomorrow but I cannot attend as already in Committee. I have sent in my report and do not support the application due to concerns regarding road safety at this venue. I consider there are better places to site a Burger Van.

á         Just a gentle reminder that the Ôreport itÕ site is an excellent way of reporting local incidents and having them dealt with quickly. It is quick and easy to use and always happy to do it myself as long as I have the exact location. The team seem particularly good at potholes but matters in the countryside seem to take much longer and I consider this is due to lack of staffing and will follow this up.

á         Lastly having visited Colliford Lake on Sunday I attest to it being in a seriously depleted state with only 16% capacity. Incredibly we need another month of heavy rain to even begin to fill the reservoir. Water is now being diverted from Hawks Tor and Park Lake. All agencies are fully aware and applying scrutiny to the perceived outcomes for the local rivers. I am trying to understand why we are in this situation as 8 of the last 10 years have been above average rainfall and only the last two years very slightly below average. Influx of visitors? Unreported leaks and outages? I have asked those questions. Meanwhile I urge all householders to continue to conserve water.

á         School parking issues brought up at the last meeting, this is a problem with every school in Cornwall, the School Head Teacher and parents need to be involved.

á         Traffic Order coming into Bodmin Ð there will be a new entrance way and she would be grateful for any comments from Councillors.

á         Councillor D. Williams reported the Under 5Õs Preschool planning application is at a standstill with Cornwall Council as they are not sure with the phosphateÕs issues. Chairman suggested it seems that no-one wants to take responsibility about the issues with the Camel Estuary issues. Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse would be happy to send the consultation document with regards to this. She advised that if the Camel Estuary gets further polluted it will cost Cornwall Council millions of pounds.  

Chairman asked if there is someone in Cornwall Council who are heading this up and someone from Natural England, so someone like him can go along and meet them and ask questions. Councillor D. Austin reported it is not just Cornwall Council it is all over the Country Action: Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse to follow up on the planning application for the Pre-School.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor Mrs. J. Cruse for her report and attending the meeting.










































Cwll. Cllr. Mrs. J. Cruse



Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish (Including Waste Bins for Lanivet and Nanstallon):- Response from Rachael Tatlow in respect of highway issues from the last meeting Ð She would arrange an inspection of Blossom Hill and Boscarne Junction. Lanivet School - Unfortunately concerns regarding traffic and safety in the vicinity of schools are not uncommon, particularly at some of the older schools were the location and infrastructure may not be appropriate for present day requirements. The Town Council could initiate discussions with the School to understand ways in which they might be able to encourage other modes of transport to vehicle travel. Sustrans may be able to provide support if there is an aspiration to investigate options. In relation to highway improvements, such as double yellow lines, or limited waiting bays, the CouncilÕs Community Network Panel Highways Scheme programme would be the appropriate option for a highway scheme to be considered. Chairman will discuss a bid and he would like some suggestions/scheme from Councillors, either yellow lines or 20mph speed signs Action: Chairman/Councillors and Clerk to include on the next agenda.


Highway Issues:- Councillor D. Williams reported on drainage issues opposite the Church and it was acknowledged and no action taken. He also cleaned a drain up by the Church. Clerk suggested all Councillors report to her as soon as possible with the location and she would report on the Cornwall Council website.


Councillor D. Williams reported on the mud at St. Ingunger which had been reported and cleared the same day, but not sure who by. Chairman reiterated that Councillors report any highway issues in between meetings to the Clerk.


Cormac Workshop Sessions Ð Chairman reported about the volunteer scheme, and we can be supplied items.


Footpaths:- None.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  None.


Waste Bins for Lanivet and Nanstallon:- Update received advising on the current charges for two Parish Council owned litter bins situated on the Village Green, based on the current number of emptying and in line with the current street cleansing contract. Costs will be reviewed in the New Year and will potentially increase but will give an idea of the financial commitment from 1st April 2023. Cost is £361.60. These are Cornwall Council bins which are sited on Parish Council land which need to be removed completely or relocated. She is able to reduce this from 4 bins to 2 bins. The 2 bins that will need to be removed are (a) Entrance to Car Park on righthand side; (b) Post mounted bin on path just off Car Park and towards play park. If the Parish Council wishes for these bins to remain in the location and take them on, she could supply a quote for this.  Resolved to ask if the two bins could be relocated to Nanstallon, liaising with Councillors Mrs. H. Akehurst and Miss P. Bolton (Proposed: Councillor D. Williams; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. H. Akehurst) Action: Clerk.










Chair/ Cllrs.
























Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -  


Planning Applications:-


PA22/09249 Ð Willcocks Ð Prior approval notification to determine if planning permission is required for: Concreting of agricultural yard, South Tregleath Farm, Nanstallon Ð Notification received that Prior Approval not required (AF/TEL/DEM)


PA22/09671 Ð Park Holidays UK Limited Ð Variation of Conditions 2 (approved plans) and 9 of Application No. PA10/05936 dated 25th November 2010 (Extension of time for the erection of 105 room Distinction Spa Hotel and 36 golf lodges, related landscaping and water management (in lieu of determined application for hotel and major leisure facilities, approved on 9th September 2008), Land at Bodmin Holiday Park, Formerly Lakeview Country Club, Lanivet Ð Extension of Time Requested and Granted for Next Agenda


Planning Results:-


PA22/02752 Ð Mr. Michael Lobb Ð Construction of covered yard in association with existing farm operations, Penvercoe Farm, Ruthern, Bodmin Ð Approved


PA22/01510/PREAPP Ð Lee West and Co Ltd Ð Pre-application advice for the erection of polytunnels for horticultural use, Land North of Boscarne Mill, Nanstallon Ð Closed Ð Advice Given


PA22/07494 Ð Mr. Paul Holley Ð Application for tree works within a TPO area: Reduce height of Irish Yew, Lanivet Parish Church, 1 Rectory Road, Lanivet - Approved


Planning Correspondence:- (a) Cornwall Council Ð Street Trading Grant Application for Layby A389 Truro Road, Lanivet advising Cornwall Council resolved to grant the application; (b) Cornwall Council Ð Alleged unauthorised creation of an access onto a Class III road, Blossom Hill, Nanstallon.



















Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for November 2022 as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor D. Austin; Seconded: Councillor T. Hancock)

Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



British Gas



Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Lanivet Parochial Church


Church Xmas Tree Festival

Duchy CemeteryÕs Limited


Interment Ð Patterson

Paul Bazeley Bus Shelters/NoticeB


October 2022

The Lawn Ranger Ð Grasscutting


Emergency Tree Removal

DMC-IT Ð Website Updating


October 2022

Miss Stephanie Horton Ð Toilets



Rentokil Initial Hygiene Ð Bins



Lloyds Bank Ð Service Charges


November 2022

Booker Limited


Toilet Consumables

Cornwall ALC Limited


Councillor Training

Mrs. J. Burdon Salary & Expenses


November 2022

CC Pension Scheme


November 2022

Inland Revenue Ð Income Tax


November 2022

RBL Poppy Appeal


2 x Remembrance Wreaths

Receipt: Cornwall Council


CIL Payment

Receipt: HMRC Ð Vat Repayment


Up to September 2022

Receipt: Co-operative Funerals



Receipt: Mrs. J. Burdon


3 x QueenÕs Jubilee Mugs

Debit Card application:- Clerk reported the debit cards had finally arrived, one for her and one for the Chairman.


Salary Payments Ð Clerk reported NALC had met with Unions and agreed to accept the offer as follows Ð With effect from 1st April 2022 an increase on all pay points equating to £1.00 per hour; with effect from 1st April 2023 an increase of one day to all employeesÕ annual leave entitlement. Therefore, salary above includes the back-pay.


Chairman reported there is also an invoice from Lanhydrock Garden Services for the felling of the ash tree. Clerk would pay tomorrow and include on the next payment schedule.


Chairman reported on the grasscutting for the Parish and explained in more detail of works carried out for the year.


Chairman reported on the CIL funding received and asked if Councillors would like it to be held in the CIL Reserves Fund. Councillor A. Barnaby proposed; Councillor D. Austin seconded.














Draft 2023-2024 Precept and Policy Reserve and Adequacy of Reserves:- Chairman and Vice-Chairman reported on draft precept, noting at the present time they are not capped by Central Government. Chairman added that a lot of Councillors do a lot of unpaid work towards a lot of projects and jobs in the Parish, and this is appreciated, this helps to cut costs. Resolved to increase precept by 8% to £55,000 which represents a 4.6% increase to parishioners. Policy Reserve and adequacy of Reserves Ð General Reserve Closing Balance 2022-23 50.7% of total expenditure, 2023-24 49.9% of total expenditure; Specific Reserves Closing Balance 2022-23 29.0% of total expenditure, 2023-24 37.6% of total expenditure; Total Reserves Closing Balance 2022-23 79.6% of total expenditure, 2023-24 87.4% of total expenditure (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk.










Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update:- Chairman reported there is a new owner of Clann House and he has a meeting planned with them and CCLT on the 22nd November 2022 at noon, if anyone wishes to attend to let him know, Councillor Miss P. Bolton would like to attend.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelters/Grasscutting (Including Update on the Car Park):- Clerk reported an update had been received from Outdoor Play People advising the project is still on track.


Update on the Car Park:- Chairman reported that because the Parish Council is a Traffic Authority it may not be possible to engage private contractors to manage our Car Park. Therefore, two things need to happen. We need to set our own Car Park Regulations and engage Cornwall Council to enforce those regulations. Therefore, we would need to obtain a quote from Cornwall Council for enforcement. Chairman reported we would need to inform Mid Cornwall Brokers and the Community Hall Manager of possible implications.


We would need to also decide what type of vehicles we want to stop parking for lengths of time, perhaps stipulating a time restriction. Resolved to include a notification from the Chairman on Facebook, noticeboard and website advising we are looking at enforcement. Suggestion of between the hours of 9.00am and 4.00pm you cannot park for more than 2 hours; permits could be looked at. Basically, a resolution would be to get camper vans and Òwhite vansÓ out of the car park which are parked permanently. It was noted that the CCTV shows the vehicles that are coming in and out, thus noting this would confirm vehicles that are not moving from the car park. Councillors would then have evidence of vehicles abusing the system. Chairman and Clerk to liaise with Cornwall Council and we will not make a resolution this evening. Councillor D. Williams suggested a solution would be to have barriers to stop larger vehicles Action: Clerk/Chairman to follow up and liaise with Cornwall Council, Camelford Town Council and put notices up.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.


Grasscutting:- Chairman reported earlier and he is currently in contact with the Contractor at the current time.

















Chair/   Clerk




Cemetery Matters (Including (a) Any applications for memorials, inscriptions; (b) Update on Inspection of Burial Grounds; (c) Update on Purchase of Trees):- No memorial applications received.


Inspection of Burial Grounds, health and safety issues:- Clerk reported the inspection would be carried out this month.


Purchase of Trees:- Councillor D. Williams reported some of the trees have been removed and they will be looking at purchasing shortly. Resolved to purchase 100 trees at £5.00 each (Proposed: Councillor A. Barnaby; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland) Action: Councillors D. Williams, C. Vercoe.





Cllrs. D. Williams/ C. Vercoe


Public Conveniences Update:- Councillor A. Barnaby reported there was no update.



Lanivet Parish Historic Buildings:-


Nanstallon Chapel Update:- Chairman reported this now has community asset status.


Lanivet Church:- Chairman reported along with fellow Councillors. A. Barnaby, A. Harris and D. Williams had an unproductive meeting on Sunday afternoon 30th October 2022 at the Lanivet Parish Church. The meeting left us with no knowledge of any progress or where we go with the Parish Church, worrying it will go into disrepair.





Review and adopt the following Policies (a) Statement of Internal Control; (b) List of Regular Payments for the year; (c) Model Standing Orders; (d) Code of Conduct; (e) Segregation of Duties Matrix:- Resolved to adopt the policies as circulated (Proposed: Councillor D. Austin; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Motion Carried Action: Clerk. 





Biennial Tree Safety Survey for Lanivet Village Sites:- Resolved to have the biennial tree safety survey in the sum of £395.00 (Proposed: Councillor D. Williams; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby) Action: Clerk and to pass on ChairmanÕs number to liaise and meet him on site.




Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website (Including of updating front page of Website):- Clerk reported Facebook and the Website continue to be updated monthly. Chairman reported he has done his newsletter report.

Updating of Front Page:- Councillors D. Williams and A. Harris looked at the front page and could not see a need to update at this stage.





1.    NALC Ð Chief Executives Bulletin

2.    Cornwall Council Pensions Ð Employer Newsletter Ð October 2022

3.    NALC Ð Events

4.    Cornwall Community Flood Forum Annual Conference

5.    Cornwall Council Ð Planning Training for Local Councils Ð Thursday 17th November 2022 via Microsoft Teams

6.    Cornwall Council Ð Bodmin Community Network Meeting

7.    Cornwall Council Ð Wadebridge Meet the Leader Event Ð 7th November 2022

8.    Cornwall Council Ð Good Growth Website Update

9.    NALC Ð New Report on 2022 local elections

10. Cornwall Environmental Consultants Ltd Ð Consultation Ð Cornwall Landscape Character Assessment

11. Great Western Railway Ð Strike Dates

12. Cornwall Council Ð Planning News Ð Autumn 2022

13. NALC Ð Newsletter

14. Cornwall Council Ð Town & Parish Council Newsletter Ð 4th November 2022

15. Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine

16. Cornwall Councill Ð Draft Action Notes Ð Bodmin Community Network Panel from meeting held on Wednesday 19th October 2022

17. Great Western Railway Ð Cancelled Strikes

18. CALC Ð Boundary Commission Consultation

19. Cornwall Council Ð Bodmin Community Network Highways Scheme

20. CALC Ð Spam Email Warning

21. Cornwall Council Ð Community Network Review Reminder



Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):- None.



Date of Next Meeting and Meetings for 2022:- Thursday 8th December 2022 at 7.00pm to be held in the One for All Lanivet Parish Community Centre.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 9.00pm.







Date:        8th December 2022