
Cllr. D. Batten


Mrs. J. Burdon

(Parish Clerk)

Cllr. O. Sleeman



Cllr. D. Carter

Cllr. T. Hancock

Cllr. Mrs. J. Dent


Cllr. Miss P. Bolton

Cllr. A. Barnaby

Cllr. A. Harris


Cllr. C. Vercoe

Cllr. Mrs. C. Eddy

Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


2 Members of Public







Public Forum:-  Two members of public in attendance.  John Wood lived adjacent to derelict caravan to be discussed under planning this evening.  He did not receive anything from planning until late December, even though it is dated October 2019.  He has concerns on comments made in the document.  In summary Fleur-De-Lys is a derelict caravan with a lean-to on one site and it is all on bricks.  He has concerns how someone can apply for continued residency for something that has been derelict for several years.  In 2005 it was abandoned; it is decaying even more. It has received no maintenance since 2007 and it is a complete eyesore from his boundary and can be viewed from the road.  It was occupied on a temporary residency up until the previous tenant left.  In 2008 the water supply was disconnected along with the electricity supply, neither has been connected for over 13 years.  Chairman invited the members of public to stay at the meeting for the remainder if they so wished.


Mr. John Wood and his colleague left the meeting at 7.07pm.



Members Declaration of Interest and Dispensation Requests:- Councillors D. Carter and A. Harris declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust.


Councillor S. Walker declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Village Newsletter.


Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet School Governor.


Councillor D. Batten declared a non-registerable interest under Paragraph 3.5A in the Lanivet Sport & Recreation Trust and Lanivet United Charity Trust.



Apologies:- Councillor Mrs. J. Stickland



Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 12th December 2019:- The Minutes of the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday the 12th December 2019 were confirmed as a true and accurate record and duly signed by the Chairman (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor A. Barnaby)




Matters Arising from the Monthly Meeting held on Thursday 12th December 2019:-


Page 1 Min.191/19 Apple Trees in Lanivet Cemetery:-  Clerk reported a response had been received advising he is still waiting to hear back on sourcing materials and apologies for how long it has taken.  He was up at the cemetery the other weekend and from memory, most of the trees are supported with existing timber stake rounds, albeit not the most secure. The 6 trees could certainly do with re-mulching with woodchip. It may be worth discussing this at your next meeting.  He would continue to follow up Action: Keep Pending and Clerk to follow up agreed if he recommends re-mulching to request this is carried out before the Spring.


Page 2 Min.210/19 Tree Report:-  Clerk reported with the Christmas holidays she had not been able to get together with the Chairman to action and due to forthcoming holidays for herself and Chairman being away it may need to wait until early March Action: Clerk to liaise with Chairman to complete online application.


Page 2 Min.258/19 – Signs for Planning Applications:-  Clerk reported a planning application reference had been requested and she could not find this information on our system for Brismar, so emailed back advising of this.


Page 2 Min.282/19 Highway Issues including Potholes:-  Clerk reported several responses had been received from Cormac, which had been circulated to Councillors, advising they have inspected and verified actions and will notify when works have been undertaken.


Page 5 Min.299/19 Grasscutting for Village Green:-  Clerk reported she had not heard back from the Lanivet School to date Action: Clerk to send first invoice for grasscutting.


Previous Minutes  -  Setting of Annual Precept:- Confirmation received from Cornwall Council for the precept notification of £45,550.00.


Previous Minutes - Community Chest Fund:-  Councillor Miss P. Bolton advised it had been agreed for plant pots for Nanstallon Bus Shelter and she had heard from the Nursery wanting to know if they can now provide them.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters had confirmed he had not heard anything to date regarding this application Action: Cornwall Councillor C. Batters to follow up.



























Cwll. Cllr. C. Batters


Monthly Report from Cornwall Councillor Chris Batters:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported as follows: -

·         Nanstallon School – he held a meeting about the Road Safety Act and issues at the School. Yellow lines were looked at several years ago and people objected to them.  He wants to get Rachael Tatlow from Cormac on site to see what they can come up with.

·         He recently had a tour with the Chairman around the Parish.  They looked at the bad corner on the Washaway Road, there is going to be a major upgrade on this road, along with drainage works, special kerbing, this will all be carried out within the current budget.  Chairman reported that blocked drains have on-going issues and need to be dealt with on almost a monthly clear out, especially with the weather we have been having.  Cornwall Councillor C. Batters reported this does not come out of Cornwall Council’s budget, it is Cormac Solutions which is separate and they have a set budget for the year.  It was also noted all the drains have 6” pipes, which is not appropriate.  Chairman to send a letter expressing concerns Action: Chairman.

·         Tree came crashing down in Camel Valley Vineyard and Cormac will be clearing this.

·         Recycling Centre is now looking to expand; it may be a good opportunity when discussing the next item on the agenda.

·         Lamorick Concerns – there have been a lot of concerns and he has spoken to residents and police have also been out.  He said that anyone could contact him of with any threatening issues at all.

·         Caravan at Fenton Pits still on site but Biffa could not move it because it is way beyond their capabilities.  It appears that Cornwall Council Public Health Department will be dealing with it.  He is hoping to know what will be happening with it by tomorrow.

Chairman thanked Cornwall Councillor C. Batters for his report this evening and for attending the meeting.













Highway Issues/Footpath Issues/Damaged Signs in the Parish (Including Discussion on No Right Turning to the Recycling Centre at Lanivet):-


Highway Issues:-  Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported on Treningle Hill which is being patched up just before the crossroads, she believes there is a drain underneath which needs action Action: Clerk to forward details to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters.


Cornwall Councillor C. Batters suggested noting in the letter the Chairman is to compile about local people and Parish Councillors carrying out emergency work with flooding issues as there are times when it cannot wait 24 hours, as this can be too late Action: Chairman.


Cornwall Mrs. J. Dent reported because Boundary Road is closed the increase in traffic through Nanstallon is greatly increased, although she is hoping this will not be long-term.  There are complaints from residents about the speed of the traffic, as though they are on a main road.  She is not sure what can be done but wanted it minuted. 


Councillor Mrs. J. Dent wished to express thanks to Alan Keat for helping with clearance of the roads recently in Nanstallon and wanted this minuted as well.


Councillor C. Vercoe reported on the telegraph pole to be removed.  Keir carried out the work did this, along with one at the entrance to the Pub.  They finished their job and left behind a bucket of tarmac pieces and a plank of wood Action: Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy to message them tomorrow.


Footpaths:-  No Update.


Damaged Signs in the Parish:-  No Update.


No Right Turning to the Recycling Centre at Lanivet:- Cornwall Councillor C. Batters advised if the Parish Council wanted to raise this matter as a concern and could come up with a suggestion. 


It was proposed to stop traffic going through Lamorick and Clann Lane with no access sign on these roads and also one at the Recycling Centre itself.  Access would be best from Innis Downs Roundabout.  All issues regarding this site can be confirmed by Cornwall Councillor C. Batters, i.e. chaos in the village, problems at Lamorick and Clann Lane, which are regularly reported, especially by residents of both areas Action: Clerk to send to Councillors by email to Councillors to agree before the next meeting and once approved to forward on to Cornwall Councillor C. Batters to forward on to the necessary departments (Proposed: Councillor D. Batten; Seconded: Councillor O. Sleeman)

















Cllr. Mrs. C. Eddy













Planning Applications/Results/Correspondence/Letters of Objection received: -


PA19/10698 – Mr. & Mrs. Williams – Certificate of Lawfulness for an Existing Use of a Residential Unit, Fleur-De-Lys, Nanstallon – Object – Should have been removed as part of original planning permission, in  that Planning consent granted under planning application E1/94/1970 was subject to the following limitation and/or conditions: “[w]hen the caravan ceases to be occupied by Mrs. H. M. Pryor, the use hereby permitted shall cease and the caravan and all other items brought onto the premises in connection with the residential element of the use shall be removed within two months of the date of cessation of the use …”; the reasons stated for this were that ”[t]he development is approved solely on the grounds of the special circumstances of the applicant”.5  We believe that this is now the case as it is no longer occupied by Mrs. H.M. Pryor and it is uninhabitable and in a very dangerous condition and is not fit for purpose (Proposed: Councillor Miss P. Bolton; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker)


Cornwall Councillor C. Batters left the meeting at 8.09pm.


Planning Results Received:- 


PA19/06727 – Mr. Matt Edworthy – Demolition of existing structures, conversion and extension of farm buildings into residential use and mixed use buildings, remodelling of redundant farmhouse and construction of agricultural buildings and associated works for the GAIA Trust, Bodwannick Manor Farm, Nanstallon – Approved


PA19/07498 – Hugo – Conversion of a series of unused stone built agricultural barns into a rural wedding venue, Fenton Farm, Lanivet – Approved


PA19/09111 – Mr. Brian Gatheridge – Proposal to remove one tower branch from an Oak Tree, Cyrilles, Woodland Glade, Lanivet  – Approved



















Accounts & Any Applications for Grants & Donations:- The Parish Council approved payment of the following accounts for January 2020, all of which have already been paid, as per Financial Regulations (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. J. Dent): - 

AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


December 2019

Paul Bazeley – Bus Shelter Clean


December 2019

British Gas


Electric 8/11/19-6/12/19

Lloyds Bank


Bank Service Charge

DMC IT – Website Updating


November 2019

Jack Kingdon Plant Hire


Fit Access Barriers

South West Water – Toilets


Water 8/8/19-4/12/19

DMC IT – Website Updating


December 2019

Eric Brown Plumbing & Heating


Toilets – Tap Leak Repair

AJH Services – Toilet Cleaning


January 2020

Mrs. J. Burdon - Salary & Expenses


Salary & Expenses

CC Pension Scheme


Clerk’s Pension

Inland Revenue


Clerk’s Tax

Chairman produced Budget Monitoring Statement for 2019/2020 and briefed on extra works, etc., that had to be actioned on top of original budgets made in the previous year. 










Lanivet Parish Affordable Housing Working Party Update:- Councillor D. Batten reported there is very little to update and CCLT are progressing matters forward. CCLT are approaching other groups and companies and possibly an energy project.  They are hoping that long-term it should not fall as an issue for the Parish Council in an application to the Public Works Loan Board.  We do not need to look into this further until at least July 2020.  There will be another Open Day, week beginning the 24th February 2020 to be held in the Meeting Room of the Community Centre, date to be confirmed.  Clerk to follow up with George Lewis for exact date for the Open Day Action: Clerk.


Chairman to raise queries with George Lewis regarding the process of locals having the low-cost housing and request this to be discussed at the next meeting, with the criteria for such being discussed.








Lanivet Parish Sport & Recreation Trust Update:- Councillor D. Carter reported the height restriction barriers have been delivered and will be put up soon.  This should stop any over-night parking.  He also reported on the Planning Fee for extension to the Community Centre based on floor area would be £924.00 less the 50% Parish discount = £462.00 plus the planning portal fee of £25.00 = £487.00 in total.  They now have pledges of £30,000 which almost gives him enough to go for a 50% loan.  He cannot put the application in until he has everything in place.



Community Network Panel Meeting Update:-  Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported they held a meeting last week and it was a busy meeting.  She is waiting for minutes to produce a report.  They had an update from James Honeywell from the Police, she had a crime report.  There were two presentations, Bodmin Jail; the attraction part is due to open this May 2020.  There was a discussion that it will benefit the whole of the area, although with the road system getting to it will not be easy.  They have spent £40m on the project, which is to include a Hotel as well and it is the same people that have built the Harry Potter building up in London.  There is a Car Park being passed over to Cornwall Council to manage and start charging people to use.  Chairman of the Parish Council was quite embarrassed that no-one from Cornwall Council/Cormac have even sat and discussed the project, with the hope of improving the road system but are willing to take over the Car Park.


The other presentation was on future school places and provision.  Provision is currently alright but they have been looking at adding to the schools in the future as required.  The poorest is pre-school provision, which is not good, especially with some pre-schools closing down.  Special School provision is good, there will be a new one built at Cardinham, across all age groups.  This will be for the whole County.  She will report following receipt of her minutes.



Lanivet Village Green/Play Equipment/Car Park/Bus Shelter:- Councillor T. Hancock reported the area is very wet.  The wishing well bins are broken in places, he wonders about removing the lids or replacing with new ones Action: Councillor T. Hancock and Clerk to liaise regarding replacement costs from Company Barry Cornelius recently used, about £250.00 each (Proposed: Councillor Miss P Bolton; Seconded: Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy)


Councillor S. Walker had four sets of keys for the new bollards on the Village Green, he is holding one himself.  He spoke to The Lawn Ranger and he does not want to hold a copy as it is not required.  Keys held by Chairman, Councillors D. Carter, S. Walker and a spare Chairman and a spare to be held in the key safe in the Community Hall.


Councillor S. Walker reported he met one of the grass cutters on the Village Green recently and he asked them not to cut the grass at the present time as it is not part of the current contract.  He did state the Parish Council would not be paying as it was not required and not part of the Contract.


Councillor D. Carter reported there is a lady that carries out litter picking once a month and the Parish Council appreciates all she does, Thanks to Margaret Swadling Action: Clerk to email Lanivet Newsletter to be added.


Councillor D. Carter requested we ask The Lawn Ranger to chop the overhanging branches off the dangerous trees.  It was resolved to bear in mind we got to protect all bushes and shrubs Action: Clerk to confirm and ask he liaises with either Councillors S. Walker or D. Carter to liaise with The Lawn Ranger regarding this (Proposed: Councillor D. Carter; Seconded: Councillor S. Walker)


Play Equipment:- No update.


Lanivet Car Park:- No update.


Bus Shelters:-  No update.


Clerk/Cllr. T. Hancock
















Camel Trail Update:- Report received from Councillor Miss P. Bolton – The Camel Trail has had a sweep and tidy up over the last month.  Camel Trail Meeting will be held next week, so more of an update with Grogley Bridge at our February Meeting.



Cemetery Matters (Including any applications for memorials, inscriptions):- None.



Public Conveniences Update:-  Clerk reported there had been a leak from the tap which had been resolved quickly on the same day.  Chairman reported it turned out to be the plunger sticking.  Councillor S. Walker reported he had a call from AJH Services regarding two loose toilet seats and capping on the wall, which Mike Yelland had actioned.  Clerk reported she had received his invoice this evening and would pay tomorrow and include on the next monthly accounts Action: Clerk.






Special Parish Events for 2020 – VE Day and Tour of Britain:- Councillor A. Harris reported there is a meeting next week to discuss this, to be held on Wednesday the 22nd January 2020 at the Meeting Room of the Community Centre.  Councillor Mrs. C. Eddy reported she had emailed local businesses and organisations.


Councillor Mrs. J. Dent reported she has been asked to attend a Tour of Britain Meeting in Bodmin, being on the Bodmin Community Network and she will be attending.



Update on Annual Contract Renewals and Tendering Process:-  Clerk reported all advertisements were now up on the noticeboards and website.  Letters had been sent to existing Contractors with information.  Clerk advised she had put a closing date for March, to discuss tender documents at a closed session at the end of the meeting, thus allowing new contracts to commence from the 1st April 2020.  It was resolved all Contracts to be opened and summarise on a spreadsheet by the Clerk in readiness for the Closed Meeting (Proposed: Councillor S. Walker; Seconded: Councillor A. Harris) Action: Clerk.







Newsletter Reports/Parish Council Website:- Clerk reported the website continues to be updated on a regular basis.  Councillor S. Walker reported the newsletter has now been sent to the printers.  All reports must be received by the 10th of each month.




1.    Cormac – Upcoming Camel Trail Partnership Meeting – 22nd January 2020

2.    Cornwall Council - Bodmin Community Network Panel Meeting - Wednesday 8th January 2020

3.    Cornwall Community Land Trust – Invitation to  Community Led Housing Seminar on Monday 3rd February 2020 10.00am to 2.00pm in the Lanivet One for All Community Centre

4.    CALC – Christmas Opening and Closing Times

5.    CALC Annual General Meeting - Please note change of Date - 30th January 2020

6.    Cormac Environment - Current Agenda for January 22nd CTP Meeting and Minutes from last meeting

7.    Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly Health and Care Partnership - Long Term Plan Update – 17th December 2019

8.    Great Western Railway - Day One of the new Timetable

9.    Cornwall Council - Standards Committee - e-mail Update

10. Cornwall Rural Housing Associated Limited - CRHA Voluntary Board Member Recruitment

11. My Neighbourhood Plan - Policy Drafting Workshop

12. CALC - Routine Playground Inspection Course (one day)

13. CALC - Query re charges for siting a wireless transmitter on Council property

14. CALC - General Power of Competence and CiLCA Qualification

15. CALC - RoSPA Play Safety Training - Saltash Town Council  - Applications closed

16. Citizens Advice Cornwall Update

17. Bodmin Police Station - January Newsletter

18. Cornwall Council Pensions - Funding Strategy Statement Consultation

19. CALC - Smaller Councils meetings - dates for your diary

20. Clerks & Councils Direct Magazine (Councillor Miss P. Bolton)

21. CALC – Saltash Town Council – Emergency First Aid Work Course

22. Cornwall Council – Bodmin Community Network Panel Meeting

23. Great Western Railway - Improvement work in the South West in early 2020

24. Cornwall Council – Affordable Housing – Team Area Map




Urgent Parish Matters with prior liaison with Chairman (Items for Information Only and items for the next agenda):- None.



Date of Next Meeting:- Tuesday the 4th February 2020 in the One for All Lanivet Parish Community Centre, Lanivet at 7.00pm.  Clerk reminded all Councillors of the date of holiday in February from Friday the 7th February to Saturday the 22nd February 2020.  Apologies from Councillor Mrs. J. Dent for the next Parish Council Meeting on the 4th February 2020.


There being no further business to discuss the meeting closed at 9.06pm.





Signature:     ………………………………………………



Date:        4th February 2020